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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tourists In Salisbury?

This was a first for me! Nevertheless, there were tourists visiting the Downtown Plaza but NOTHING was open!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was stunned to see the Downtown Plaza on the blog. That was probably my son and his wife in the pictures. They arrived on Saturday. They have been downtown twice since being home and find the same thing. My son wanted to show his wife how the plaza looked in the 70's, and explained where some things were in the past. There was nothing open and therefore, they just walked around and came back home. My daughter-in-law thought it was so sad to see the town look so shabby. She lives in a small town near Atlanta and basically their downtown looked like ours but they have more activity in their downtown and all the strip mall stores around like we have as well from Sam's to Best Buy, etc.and they are 14 miles from the Mall of Georgia Still their downtown looks well kept.