This morning during the early morning rush hour - 8:00 a.m. - look at time stamp on photo- I was enroute to Salisbury at the intersection of Tilghman Road and Rt. 50. Both lanes - eastbound and westbound on Rt. 50 were backed up as far as the eye could see.
When I heard the motorist beeping horns I looked and there were no flagmen, no SHA supervisors, to move the traffic along. I am not kidding, people were actually trying to back-up on the outside lanes, and, poor K-Marts parking lot was a turn-a-round zone for all of the Tilghman Road vehicles that were also backed-up. I got a photo of this so as to report that there were no SHA supervisors.
You would think that with State furnished vehicles that someone could at least go to work and do their job.
And isn't this the intersection where someone was killed not so long ago?
I'm not sure why they are paving this area. I drive it everyday and have never had problems with pot holes. Now Tilghman rd is a diffrent story by why RT.50 in the middle of the summer? Why not pave roads that need it like Naylor st. or Dagsboro rd.
To 9:17 AM: They are adding turn lanes.
Rt 50 is a state highway, maintenance is funded by the state. Naylor St is a city street, all funds were given away to developers and other FOB's.
they paved the road from hebron to quantico a few weeks back and this road was in perfect shape. look for where developers have purchased lands to build developments and youll see where the new roads are being layed.
developers really have nothing to do with it. if a road improvement is needed because of a development, the developer has to pay for it
11:03, if you believe that your a fool.
Is this Intersection going to be turned into a traffic circle with a large monument in the center to Salisbury Hero - B P Tilghman??
Well Joe if you would have looked in the KMart lot you would have seen the only State Highway truck on the job. They have 3 inspectors on this job 1 of which are has a state truck. This intersection is going to be just like Beaglin Park and RT 50 when it is finished. The funny thing is everyone wants the state to make the roads safer but no one wants to have to deal with the growing pains. The state inspection team was on the job and got a very difficult part of this job finished with out a major problem.The job would have been done at night but the local residents have a problem with the noise. So Joe please tell the state just when they should do the work.I work for the highway department and have done so for 20 plus years and don't let your distaste for one of the apples spoil the whole basket "so to speak" alot of hard working men and women that are trying to do the best they can for the people on the shore. We live here and we know how important our job is to keep the public safe and traffic moving.I get just as upset as the next person when I can't get to my destination as fast as I want.So if you could be happy that something is being fixed and the money is not being spent on the other side of the bay for once.
My husband and I drive by that stop light at K-Mart at least each of us 2 times a day! We know it well. It will be like the intersection at Shore Birds except going toward WinterPlace. What a MESS. We will hate it and plan to use the new road IF and when it gets done at Beaglin Park going towards the mall. Is that the one they are calling the "collector road"?
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