Although you cannot even FIND the story on line, they scrapped it from the Front Page Headline News completely, it is on the front page of their print edition.
Oh, as for a comment on the story, I have none, other than to say, GREAT ARTICLE! Perhaps the Daily Times should depend on this particular Reporter more often? He's factual, detailed and someone you can trust.
So, how many of you out there are dying to know what's going to happen today? Yahoo, Judgment Day Is Upon Us! Duvall must have his bottle of oxygen ready for the long trip to Worcester County for the do not miss trial of Joe Albero VS Chief Webster. Hell, I'd even guess he left at 6:30 AM this morning to insure he gets a good seat. You don't have to worry so much about getting up and down all that often, that's what they make Depends for. LOL
The Daily Times did a great article this morning and I should add, (I hope this doesn't come off like I'm sucking up) that has to be the finest Front Page I've ever seen from them. The Pony's should be left up top all year long, it's beautiful!
As for the rest of their news, well, you read it all here yesterday or a few days earlier anyway. I'd link you to my article but they pulled it from their Site. If anyone can find it, can you put it in comments and I'll update the article? Thanks!
Dear Mr. Billy Duvall, GO HERE.
Got to wonder if the poor chap still has a job? With holding selected stories will never get me to subscribe to the paper.
They buried it in local news, way over on the right-hand side. They also shortened it into basically nothing. Even though I disagree with you on some stuff, I hope you win this case and keep their toes to the fire!
Here's the link:
you can download the front page in a pdf file but you won't get to see the rest of the story on page A2.
I hope you kick ass and take names today Joe. We're all counting on your success. I hope you will maintain your present tone, it has been pleasant the past few months.
Show 'em what class looks like, Joe. We're all rootin for you!
joe, i hope they lock you up and throw the key away.you aways report about everyone else. haven't see anything about the pittsville land trouble you are in.
No publicity for you Mr. Albero, it looks like they yanked it from the site. I don't know why they wouldn't want this to remain on their site, it will definitely draw traffic. More than likely Barrie called and told them to take it down or suffer her rath (what little she has left). How very selfish of the Slime to not reciprocate when you give them so much bandwidth and publicity. Is it possible Barrie is afraid Chiefy will lose today and knows she too will lose when her court date comes up? One good thing comes from todays news, the profits at the County dispensary will increase tremendously if Chiefy loses.
I think "chiefy" WILL lose.Judges do not care for frivilous lawsuits anymore than you or I. And this is a GREAT judge! Also the cop was NOT defamed by any remarks although some were mighty crass. AND, he LIED about where he lived (thus the venue change) much like the 30 some pages responsible for the perjury charge in another upcoming case. (Who reads all those pages handed to you by some settlement officer that you're supposed to read and sign in the time slot allowed for the settlement. I know I didn't, nor do most. You TRUST they have been properly filled out. You have to. It's all "FILLER", anyways.) I blame the lawyers.
Case will probably be dismissed, with both sides "springing" for portions of costs...
Anything for a buck...
Wouldn't you think a police chief and mayor would have thicker skin?
Would love to be present in SH this afternoon, but have to go to prmc.
Good luck!
When I read "I'M SOMEBODY" I immediately thought of Steve Martins character in "The Jerk" when he opens the new phone book and sees his name in it.LOL
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