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Friday, July 11, 2008

Former City Of Salisbury Firefighter David Merritt Speaks Out

"Ok enough is enough.

In regards to everyone wanting to know what is going on with me, here it is. My doctors have informed me that my chances of ever returning back to work as a firefighter - paramedic are minimal to none per a letter dated July 11 2008 (Dr. Jeng). I will be with the City of Salisbury Fire Department for 18 years the end of this month, if anyone thought that on August 2 2007 that I decided to take a year off that is bullsh*t.

Everyone who knows me always knew that I was either teaching or working somewhere that has now come to a end. The injury that I sustained was due to a cable that broke from the inside out. The truth of the matter is the truck was a pos when the city got it but we got it several volunteers such as Assistant Chief Sheldon White had a low profile Sutphen that would have probably fit into old 16 but the administration would not go for it.

This is the reason that jacks were installed in the basement to help hold truck 16. The city had engineers come in and install them they loaded the jacks with the truck in the building when it left they fell down.

In regards to Princess Anne yes I am the Assistant Chief, The Fire Chief knows what is going on with me and I have asked that if he wants me to step down I have no issue with that but he has stated no. I have been told that I can not ride or drive a fire truck or a ambulance which I have not done there are many times that I am out and I may respond to the scene. Most of the time I am there either doing fire reports or working on other projects, my gear has dust on it my fire gloves have been given to another firefighter. So do you think I am fighting fire NO!

As to those who think that it is a IWIF scam it is not trust me I would love to be back with the fire department. But it appears that there are several individuals that must be jealous. I do not care what you think, I am looking out for my family they are number 1 and I do mean number 1. To those of my brother firemen and firewomen who have stood beside me I greatly appreciate it you are my true friends.

In closing I do not care what anyone thinks but you need to read section 7 of the City Employees handbook and pay attention to it. My days of being a firefighter-paramedic are now over and with that it also means that my days of being on the special operations team is also over, as being one of the original members of the team I wish them the best and I hope that everyone stays safe and can return home to their families at the end of their tour. I do not wish what I am presently going through on anyone and yes I do mean anyone.

David Merritt"


Anonymous said...

David anyone who truly knows you knows how much you love the fire service. SO you would never do anything that would keep you out of the heat of the battle. Anyone with brains knows that. Stay strong brother!

Anonymous said...

why wouldnt they let you do the same type duty your doin in princess anne here in salisbury. that type of work still has to be done here does it not.

Anonymous said...

David this may sound harsh but you have it coming...It's not so much fun being judged by others is it? Think back to all of the times that you have judged others and looked down on them...ahhh now you see what I mean! Yes you are dedicated to the Fire Dept. and you got a raw deal. I am very sorry that you no longer get to do what you love to do.

From one of those that you judged.

joe albero said...

Another Fireman PUSSY who is afraid to use his real name. I have never seen a larger group of pussies in my entire life!

Anonymous said...

joe, and he holds a crudge like a 12 year old. grow up dude, this is real adult life.

Anonymous said...

Remember when we wanted the low profile ladder truck. If I recall correctly Pinky and Gregg Smith didnt want it. As for the floor jacks, we were told that the floor was "stable" they were just a unneed precaution.
Dave you arent the only one being shitted upon. Another firefighter is being shitted upon also. Nose around and it can be found.

Anonymous said...


Here is a question:

Mr Merritt was assigned to the IT office of the Dept (desk job)He secondary duites were to ride the equipment during alarms.

The Department requested a full time IT civilian employee. Why counldn't dave return to his desk job?

Anonymous said...

You are a good honest man. Don't worry about what others who hide behind a pc think of you. If they wont say anything to your face then they arent much of a friend any ways.

You and I have had some good long talks about our injuries that we both have had. People think its great being home all the time. Maybe so, what they don't think about is the constant pain they people with serious injuries have. Let them wake up every morning know that it will be a long pain filled day. Let them get depressed knowing that what they once loved so dearly is now history! Let them feel what its like to have doctors and lawyers run our lives and tell us what we can and can't do! Its no fun.
In my case and I know in your case from our talks that the "PEOPLE" in charge of our lives know what we are doing all the time and have even had people watch us from time to time.

You will always have people thinking you and I are getting free rides... But hey I don't really care what they think.. I KNOW THE TRUTH!

I would love to be working, fighting fire, playing softball and playing with the kids outside.. but I can't! My workers comp people want me outside the house doing things like photography so I don't stay inside cramped up getting depressed causing more doctor bills.

I'll trade anyone who thinks we have it so lucky!!!

If I pissed anyone one off.. Im sorry, sometimes the truth hurts!

Dave you have my number and Im always here if you need to talk.. you know that!

Your friend!
Wayne Barrall

Anonymous said...

The Department requested a full time IT civilian employee. Why counldn't dave return to his desk job?

Three guesses why they hired an outsider? I'll give you a hint so it won't be so hard on you.

See, Gordy, Hoppes.

Now can you guess?

Anonymous said...

so your telling me they hired a civilian to do the light work<(office shit) instead of letting one of the injured fire fighters have it. who makes that decission.

Anonymous said...

All of you. If you don't like sucking off the government, get a real job.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they added any new positions to the fire dept.

My bet? They'll "reclassify" Dave Merritt's position so they can hire an IT person.

Salisbury sucks. Can't wait for 2009.

Tim Chaney said...

David your experience is a valuable tool, priceless, especially training new people, not only fire rescue procedure, policies plus avoiding accidents in the future and equiptment you have knowledge of to prevent more of the same.

Great post Wayne, way to back up a brother. It means a lot to someone when you speak up for them and using your name. Anyone who thinks they can do it better, are free to apply daily.

As for the Get a real Job comment, I think going into a burning building to make sure everyone is evacuated (even family pets) speaks for itself. Thanks to all that serve the public. I wish that the fire fighters and city police got the raises they were told they would get.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dave sorry to hear all this. Give me a call sometime...

The original "Blackcloud" if you can guess who I am brother.

Anonymous said...

Salisbury sucks. Can't wait for 2009.

Looks like everyone knows See is retiring in 2009. Kinda hard to keep secret when he already has a plaque on the wall with his name and years of service on it.

All I got to say is adios mother f*c*er, don't let that new door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Take your butt buddies Gordo and Hoppes with you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Salisbury sucks. Can't wait for 2009.

Looks like everyone knows See is retiring in 2009. Kinda hard to keep secret when he already has a plaque on the wall with his name and years of service on it.

All I got to say is adios mother f*c*er, don't let that new door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Take your butt buddies Gordo and Hoppes with you.

9:24 PM

If I was the chief I would take his gay ass picture off that wall and I would make sure Gordo and Fatso hoppes was gone. Fatso thinks he is going to be the next chief, but I have a sneaky suspicion when the new mayor takes office fatso will find an excuse to retire or go back on the street. I would like to see his fat ass do his time and ride the ambulance like the rest of them.

Those three idiots have cost the tax payers millions of dollars and the loss of several good employees.