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Friday, July 11, 2008


The City Council convened in a special meeting at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Room 305 of the Government Office Building for the purpose of conducting a hearing on a claim for a refund on a water bill by Canal Woods II Condominium. A copy of the material provided to Council for the hearing is attached and made a part of the minutes. Since Council President Smith recused herself from discussion, Council Vice President Comegys presided over the meeting.

Internal Services Director Pam Oland presented Canal Woods II Condominium’s request for a refund on their water bills of $1,383.20 and recommended that a refund not be granted because there was no documented reason for the increased usages. Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Simpson distributed two additional handouts to the Council for their review (copies attached to the minutes). According to Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Simpson, there were no new tenants during that time period nor did they have any knowledge of leaks or plumbing problems.

After considering all the issues, the Council found they could not support the request for a refund. Mrs. Oland was requested by Council to verify the handwritten meter reading and when the last time the meter was checked out.

With no further business, the special meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m


Anonymous said...

If Oland is required to have a financial trouble shooter to come in and straighten the mess out that she created at a cost of $30,000 to the taxpayers, we should cut her from the budget entirely. If the only prerequisite for the job is being a bobble head, we have enough as it is. Pam you just need to find something you are good at, finances just wasn't meant to be your calling.

Anonymous said...

how freakin' hard can it be this department, this much came in...put it it the IN column...this much went out...put it in the OUT column... I'll take $.15 for that info. Thank you very much!