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Monday, October 29, 2007

Our Monday Message From Senator Andy Harris


Tonight, the Special Session of the Maryland General Assembly will begin. I want to give you the scope on something I am proposing later today.

Later today, I will announce I am proposing a Constitutional Amendment requiring two-thirds of the legislature to approve increasing taxes or imposing new taxes. During this Special Session, I will oppose all new tax increases. I believe that taking money from Maryland's working families should be done only with overwhelming approval from legislators. Making it harder to raise taxes protects Marylanders, our economy, and our future.

Taxpayers need protection from runaway spending habits and the powerful influence of special interests with their hands always out in Annapolis. The liberal special interest groups who feed on taxpayer dollars are well-funded and organized. Advertising for their own issues on radio, television, and over the internet for the last few weeks, these groups have urged legislators to raise taxes. Despite these groups advocacy for higher taxes, I know my constituents are average taxpayers, busy working and raising their families. I'm in Annapolis to speak for the average Maryland family who is already over-taxed. I'm trying to do all I can to stop these proposed tax increases, as well as ones that loom in the future if the legislature's over-spending goes unchecked. Marylanders should have the same taxpayer protection from tax increases that citizens of other states already have.

There was a very good post on this site listing the number of jobs leaving the Lower Shore. If the tax increases before the legislature are approved, more jobs will leave this state.

I have spent the last couple entries talking about issues facing the state government in Maryland for a specific reason. I believe as voters are considering who to vote for in this First Congressional District Primary, they should examine my record in the Maryland State Senate and Congressman Gilchrest's record. As a State Senator, I have a record of fiscal responsibility and Congressman Gilchrest has a record of voting for higher taxes and billions of dollars in wasteful government spending. I think when people have the choice between a person who will do everything in their power to protect their wallet and someone who has no respect for tax-payer dollars, they will choose the person who protects them every time. I do everything possible protect tax-payer dollars if I am elected to Congress just as I am trying to protect taxpayer dollars while in the State Senate.




Anonymous said...

I am glad Andy is standing up to protect our money. We need more representatives like him. I hope he gets to Congress so he can do the same thing there.

LadyLibertarian said...

True. Though I can no longer vote in Maryland, as I moved away, I have seen Wayne Gilchrest shift away from the values that his constituents hold dear and instead pander to the special interests.

I know he has part of Metro Baltimore in his district, but shouldn't he be more sensitive to the Eastern Shore people who gave him the job in the first place?

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out why PG County property values increased 30% during a period where the market prices appears to be in a freefall.... Homeowners on the verge of loosing their homes may actually be pushed over the edge by our own state government. If I sold my home today, it wouldn't sell for that amount...