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Monday, October 29, 2007

Unbelievable Comments

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I want to warn you right here and now that I am about to direct you to one of the comments I just received. IF you cannot handle VERY harsh statements and words, DON'T EVEN THINK OF GOING THERE!

However, if you can stomach the abuse we have received for months now and read it, you'll quickly see why so many have walked away from the Blogs and or any challenges this Administration has put on others in the past.

They attack you personally, your family and anything close to you JUST TO SHUT YOU UP! Well, I'm NOT going to fold. People who have run for Office in the City have had to deal with this same sort of mentality.

Scroll down to the Post A Record Sunday and read the 4th comment. Remember, it's nasty, so if you don't have the nerve for it, DON'T GO THERE!

After you read it, then think to yourself, just who would do such a thing?


LadyLibertarian said...

That is the most disgusting display I think I have ever seen. You are trying to better the community by exposing things, both large and small, and yet you and your family gets blasted. I'm glad Salisbury has an advocate that fights against corruption and ineptitude.

dan said...

Exactly the sort of thing I was referring to in my post from last night. If it was my game, I would not have directed anyone to it and just deleted it, but I am not criticizing you in the least.

But don't feed the monster, just cut off head.

joe albero said...


Trust me, my Wife & I discussed it and chose to let everyone see just a piece of what I deal with here.

Not only do we get nasty messages from certain people, we get death threats and other physical threats as well.

Seems to me we got a CERTAIN group of people really mad recently. Enough to create such a comment.

You will not see another one like this again but everyone should at least know just how far these people will go.

dan said...


I agree, and made a (now correct) assumption of your motives. Again, I think you may be picking fights (which I do not discourage,) but the response to your commentary is less than adult, and a reflection of them, not you.

There is not much more to say about it except it is a sad reminder/commentary/example of where we are (or where we are not) as a society.


Smokey said...

there is a website called whois...try and you can track the IP of the person that wrote that and take legal action on them!

melonman said...

I wish you hadn't siad that you were sure this was from a fireman. Yes, it's possible, but please don't stereotype all Fire/Rescue/EMS personnel. I've been involved in Fire & EMS for 35 years in 3 different counties; and I can assure you this current assumption and many you've previously made about firemen are not the everyday, typical fire & ems people. Yes, we're all protective of our "family" of people and we lash out at those that threaten our "family", but we don't all use these words or attitudes or attacks. This kind of attack is NOT my style but I AM a fireman, so I must strongly disagree with your comment and attitude towards Fire/EMS personnel in general. Thanks!! Melonman

joe albero said...


I firmly agree with your comment in the sense that nowhere near ALL Fire Men & EMS Staff have or use this same attitude.

The mere fact that they added Chief See wants to kick my a$$, yet mentions nothing else clearly indicates, (to me) that they are associated with the Fire Department.

Might I add, if Chief See wanted to kick someone's a$$, it should be the person responsible for the comment?

I'm confident NONE of the Fire Men & Women would ever want their spouse, their parents and or their Grandchild spoken to like that.

All that being said, the Fire Department needs to spend more time training their Staff, (including Volunteers) as to how to carry themselves, rather than spending all their time trying to figure out who's sharing information with me. Hopefully you agree.

No matter what has been said here on my behalf, the people that know me on the Fire Department know I am not trying to bring "everyone down," just the disrespectful ones and the people who need serious education as to how to behave as quality citizens representing an entire department.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and with any hope we'll all turn a corner here in a positive light. Some pride needs to be swallowed by ALL of us and IMO that's the only way everyone is going to heal from all of this.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the comment was rude and obviously from the mouth of an idiot. But Joe, why do you continue to run your mouth about all firemen. If you have such hatred towards these individuals, deal with them and leave it off this site.

It was nice to be able to come to this site and learn about news that may not be on other sites but now it has turned into a pissing match.

My advice to you would be to quit adding fuel to the fire and it would go out.

---A disappointed reader---

joe albero said...

I would hope my comment above would settle that thought with you?

I believe ALL parties need to put effort into this situation. However, do know that I will NOT stand for these remarks any longer about my Family. If it continues there will be a price to pay, period.

Please let me also state, I have deleted HUNDREDS of nasty comments just like that in the past 72 hours. So do not parade your thoughts around my adding fuel to the fire?

I'd also like to ask you this, as well as anyone and everyone out there that shares your same thoughts. What, (if anything) are all of you doing to resolve and even recognize there IS a problem in the Fire Department?

Anonymous said...

Joe. If you had an ounce of a clue, you would know that these folks are just egging you on trying to get a rise out of you. Think about it. You've literally had to sit by your computer deleting these nasty comments. Which is exactly what they're trying to do. Here's your sign.

Anonymous said...

Joe says:
Seems to me we got a CERTAIN group of people really mad recently. Enough to create such a comment.

Joe, I guess the truth (what you uncovered) hurts so this is the only way the illiterate fireman can lash out at you.

Someone mentioned an investigation earlier by the Attorney General, is there anyway to make this happen. The leadership in the fire department and the city has tarnished its reputation for years to come. I will no longer support or contribute anything to the fire department again. NEVER!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's the work of Barrie Tilghman.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think it's the work of Barrie Tilghman.

9:05 PM

Ya Think!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon says: I will no longer support or contribute anything to the fire department again. NEVER!!!


We've got a winner folks! The most narrow minded post of the year. I don't blame you, keep your contributions. All based on a few comments. Who does that hurt? The few boneheaded posters or a Department comprised of voluneers and career personnel who hazard it all for your welfare. I guess your full-time gig is brain surgeon, correct?

Anonymous said...

joe when will you recognize the problem is with this site at your agressive manner and try and resolve that. you show them the lead and they will follow

Anonymous said...

You've been victimized by a shock-n-awe campaign. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

joe I am not supporting all of what was said but it seams that you sure dished out what they were returning, BOTH parties in this case YOU as well as the firefighters involved were wrong and two wrongs dosen't make a right, Stop egging them on and it will go away because you sure got very nasty with them as well.

joe albero said...


I'm sorry but you are wrong.

I have not once used that sort of language on a Fire Fighter and you need to seek some help, seriously.

If you want to say hook, line & sinker, so be it. However, I don't even know you and I wouldn't call you or any one of your family members such a name.

Anonymous said...

If you can lay your head down tonight and honestly say that you do not ask for this abuse, you are the one that needs help. Freedom of Speech? Yes, but when you are constantly cutting down groups of people on a "PUBLIC" blog, you are bound to get rude remarks. Is that the right thing for these guys to do? No, but when you ask for you are gonna get it. And I do believe I have read many paragraphs that you have written that did bring family members into your topics. Go back and read them, I did!

Anonymous said...

It shoulden't have turned twards anyones family especally yours, but Joe to say I need help seriously,I wasn't attacking you, but You called them lets see pussies, panseys, assholes, rednecks, racists, punks so lets say do as you preach to outhers you have been name calling here all along so don't deny it. you were just as bad. Not saying you were right or wrong but you put yourself somewhat in the same boat as the firefighters in some case. Your site until this issue you have with the fire depts. was good and most people enjoyed it and the news you delivered, I did, and to the other people out there including the firefighters lets' keep peoples famlies out of it.

joe albero said...

"You called them lets see pussies, panseys, assholes, rednecks, racists, punks"

Might I suggest you go back to the comment again and see why I may have said some of those things?

I will not admit to all of them but some of them I certainly agree with. Keep in mind that on Saturday & Sunday I deleted more than 200 comments similar to the one I posted showing what they were saying.

What I have stated is MILD compared to them, not that it is right of me to do so. However, it gets quite frustrating when some anonymous pansie sits back and make such said statements and aren't man enough to do so to my face or produce their name.

The big difference here is. MY NAME is on my comments. Are you suggesting these anonymous comments are from real men? Did I say this about their Wife? Their Mothers? Their In Laws, (mine is a 3 time War Veteran) and their Grandson? No! I challenged them with such words in the hopes they would come forward and only ONE man did and his name is Wayne Barrall, a Fire Fighter.

Anonymous said...

but what you did to wayne was wrong. did you shut him up, well yes but also said he was done with that discussion. and uou kept bringing up his name late in post. Wayne had the balls to call and speak to you like a man. Does he get any respect for that? You asked people to leave their name and wayne did that also. He dont even when he should some times. Do you give him any respect for that?

joe albero said...

I just showed Wayne respect for doing so. Sometimes message boards like this can come off wrong but I can assure you, my last statement towards Wayne meant nothing but respect for using his name. Read it again with that in mind.

Anonymous said...

You look in your rear view mirror a lot now. Don't you?

Chimera said...

I find it funny that people keep saying it isnt firefighters behind the vulgarities but every time you speak out against the FD,they start in on you again.Wouldnt it be hilarious if you traced the IPO to a city computer?

Anonymous said...

Joe I am not trying to take up for peoples ignorance, and they were that way. I do agree with you that your wife and inlaws and Grandson are inocent and they had no right to talk about them. I hope that all involved will grow up and act like respectable human beings. And leave everyones families out of it.

Anonymous said...

TWC says...
That is disgusting...not much more to say!
Its one thing to disagree, we disagree ALOT...but thats just a disgrace to the human race!
So sorry you have to deal with that crap Joe!
To the person who wrote that nasty comment...Joe can be harsh...but seriously grow up!!
NO ONE DESERVES TO BE TREATED LIKE THAT!! EVEN JOE! but it was his family that was attacked!
The whole thing just makes me sick

Anonymous said...

joe u can try all u want but all people are going to say is, I didn't do it. several people use the computer i'm on right now, heres your test, track me

joe albero said...

OMG, it worked! MOM, what are you doing on here? LMAO