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Thursday, April 23, 2020
20 New Confirmed Cases of Covid-19 In Wicomico County
I heard a Manager at Panera North Salisbury has tested positive! If this is true how long should they wait to go public? Do Employees Automatically now get to be tested or do they have to wait 14 days? If employees get tested and are positive or not does it all now fall under Workers Compensation? What about customers? Instead of numbers and repeated press conference' we need questions like this answered!
No matter what we do Hogan is allowing out of staters to come here and pass the virus from their highly contaminated areas. Now Hogan is allowing Western Shore Hospitals bring their virus infected patients down here on the Shore.
April 23, 2020 at 7:07 PM You are assuming a lot It is being talked about You act like its a crime and he did something wrong? These people are at the highest risk so maybe you should change the narrative to how sad it is that he caught it from a customer and spread it for weeks to others unknowingly. He was doing his job, to which he was allowed to do by law.
So you better start thinking about the fact that you are being told to eat out, its ok, and it is not, and most likely have put us all at higher risk because of the lies.
Do you really think he is the only one? Every single store that is open will have someone get ill. Those are the shitty odds.
Hopefully he spent most of his time away from customers and more on production.
Just last week I got bagels for our company and he was working in view, active and no mask A younger female working there had a mask on. There was also a woman there, that could have been a mgr, no mask - (as one was not mandated)
Now I have to worry that I have contaminated my whole company. Because everyone said, its safe to eat out, but we all knew that was not wholly true.
Anonymous said... Just last week I got bagels for our company and he was working in view, active and no mask A younger female working there had a mask on. There was also a woman there, that could have been a mgr, no mask - (as one was not mandated)
Now I have to worry that I have contaminated my whole company. Because everyone said, its safe to eat out, but we all knew that was not wholly true.
I hope they all are ok.
April 24, 2020 at 7:17 AM
This is why i do not eat out or eat anything that does not require cooking. i would love to support the local restaurants but i don't know who may have it and not know it. I really do not think its as deadly as its being broadcasted and many that are in the hospitals are not in critical care and will be fine with rest and medications but i'm also Not trying to get sick.
It has been said food is safe to order out. Come on. No way. If it can live on shoes? Plastic? In the air? It has been said to only buy hot foods. When home unpack and throw away all containers. Re heat the food to help kill anything on the food.
My children quit their job in the food service sector because they didn't even provide proper safety to protect the workers let alone the customer. No hand sanitizer, no additional cleaning. Just nasty. Just because the CDC says to do it, doesn't mean these fast foods places follow along.
I heard a Manager at Panera North Salisbury has tested positive! If this is true how long should they wait to go public? Do Employees Automatically now get to be tested or do they have to wait 14 days? If employees get tested and are positive or not does it all now fall under Workers Compensation? What about customers? Instead of numbers and repeated press conference' we need questions like this answered!
But are deaths are going in the right direction. Three total as of yesterday down from five total over the weekend. Two resurrections!
sussex county is infecting wicomico county
No matter what we do Hogan is allowing out of staters to come here and pass the virus from their highly contaminated areas. Now Hogan is allowing Western Shore Hospitals bring their virus infected patients down here on the Shore.
Lets RUSH back to work & school & Ocean City & have some More !!!!
DUGH !!!
Wicomico County is being infected from the liberal trash that stays in Dabury.
Yes & Delaware is transporting their positive pts. here when they have no restrictions in place. Keep 'em HOME!
2:36 You got that right & it pisses me off!
Many more will be coming !!! FACT
Amazing no one cares that Panera North has a manager test positive and no one is talking about it?
April 23, 2020 at 7:07 PM
You are assuming a lot
It is being talked about
You act like its a crime and he did something wrong?
These people are at the highest risk so maybe you should change the narrative to how sad it is that he caught it from a customer and spread it for weeks to others unknowingly. He was doing his job, to which he was allowed to do by law.
So you better start thinking about the fact that you are being told to eat out, its ok, and it is not, and most likely have put us all at higher risk because of the lies.
Do you really think he is the only one? Every single store that is open will have someone get ill. Those are the shitty odds.
Hopefully he spent most of his time away from customers and more on production.
Just last week I got bagels for our company and he was working in view, active and no mask A younger female working there had a mask on. There was also a woman there, that could have been a mgr, no mask - (as one was not mandated)
Now I have to worry that I have contaminated my whole company. Because everyone said, its safe to eat out, but we all knew that was not wholly true.
I hope they all are ok.
Anonymous said...
Just last week I got bagels for our company and he was working in view, active and no mask A younger female working there had a mask on. There was also a woman there, that could have been a mgr, no mask - (as one was not mandated)
Now I have to worry that I have contaminated my whole company. Because everyone said, its safe to eat out, but we all knew that was not wholly true.
I hope they all are ok.
April 24, 2020 at 7:17 AM
This is why i do not eat out or eat anything that does not require cooking. i would love to support the local restaurants but i don't know who may have it and not know it. I really do not think its as deadly as its being broadcasted and many that are in the hospitals are not in critical care and will be fine with rest and medications but i'm also Not trying to get sick.
It has been said food is safe to order out. Come on. No way. If it can live on shoes? Plastic? In the air? It has been said to only buy hot foods. When home unpack and throw away all containers. Re heat the food to help kill anything on the food.
My children quit their job in the food service sector because they didn't even provide proper safety to protect the workers let alone the customer. No hand sanitizer, no additional cleaning. Just nasty. Just because the CDC says to do it, doesn't mean these fast foods places follow along.
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