As three states just to our north lift restrictions on the recreational boating industry, Maryland Republican leaders are calling on Governor Hogan to follow suit. And Minority Whip Kathy Szeliga believes it could happen as early as this week.
Szeliga and House Republican Leader Del. Nic Kipke expressed confidence Wednesday morning that the governor’s directive keeping pleasure boats off the Bay may soon ease up.
“I think it’s quite reasonable that people could take a cruise with other family members without putting the safety of others at risk. I can’t imagine how that would have any negative outcomes,” Kipke tweeted. “I think the governor is on the same page.”
The governor held a call on Friday with Republican leaders in which the boating ban was discussed, according to Hogan’s communications director, Mike Ricci. Szeliga, who was on that call, put it simply in a Facebook post:
I am going out on my boat whether Joe ( 3 stooges ) likes it or not!
Good, it should be!! Small groups isolated on a floating platform should meet the guidelines of no large gatherings. Now open up the golf courses too!!
It’s about time. It was a stupid rule anyway.
nice to see the beach and boardwalk closed too. wait until thrashers opens this weeked and watch what happens
If there is going to be a meat shortage in the stores, then I want to be able to go fishing, boat or no boat!
Thrashers is not opening this weekend
Pretty sure as long as you were fishing it was allowed anyways as long as you were with immediate family.
Hogan should be a leader of his state and quit relying on other govenors policies. Banning boating for people who love the fresh air and not banning kayakers and canoes was a stupid decision on his part. Griw a set Hogan and lead the state.
Why do I see out of staters in OC and on the Shore? Why are they on the beach and boardwalk when we can't go on our boats to get away from them? Hogan is as bad as Biden.
like I'm waiting for this ahole dickwad to give me permission to enjoy the fruits of my labor. piss off rino!
Yes < All the Democrats can take their Yahts out again !!! WOOOOO
Pelosi will buy a New & Bigger one with the Bailout $$$$ !!!! PORK in Bill
Never should ever been a thing here.
Me too, and without a damn mask. That is nothing but following the flock with a shepard named hogan. Not going to comply.
Go fishing, go hunting, do what you want. People must have food.
That RINO/POS hogan is packed full of stupid ideas.
Because this THE LAND OF THE FREE HOME OF THE BRAVE 3:02, next question please ....
Clinton Foundation Yaught can go out again !!!
Sweaty Covid covered fries! Cannot wait.
You have rights and you don't need permission, just go on about your business. If they approach you whip out a Constitution. You have a right to peaceful protest, to assemble, mind your business, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the freedom of religion, they are treading on slippery slopes at best. Ignore their over reach. Its UnConstitutional.Have your day in court. Just go on about your business, i know i am! find the groups that have already lawyered up and suits are coming! Im sure they would love for you to group up with them, if you run into anything UnConstitutional.
Good, that guy I killed is starting to smell.
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