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Thursday, April 23, 2020

You Have Every Reason to Be Angry At Communist China... And the Liberals Defending Them

Tens of thousands of Americans are dead today because of the actions, inactions, lies, and deceptions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). And you have every reason to be righteously pissed off about it.

Beyond the tragedy of those deaths, our economy, our schools, and our way of life have all been forced to a grinding halt in an effort to fight the enemy China has inflicted upon us and the rest of the world. If you aren't angry, you need to explain yourself.

All current evidence points to the origins of the COVID-19 outbreak to the Wuhan region in China. When the CCP was finally forced to acknowledge the deadly virus and the horrific toll it was taking on its citizens, it said the virus had originated at a "wet market" and was not transmissible from human-to-human contact.

We now know that the CCP knew the exact opposite. It knew the virus was highly contagious and it was transmissible from human-to-human contact, but it lied. The CCP lied to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the entire world.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, so what.

Anonymous said...

With all the evidence from CREDIBLE sources and knowing the opaque nature of the Chinese CCP information ministry it is painfully obvious the source of the pandemic; also, viruses that are resistant to antibiotics are probably due to genetic manipulation. Americans should be outraged not only of the coverup and lack of transparency but that we are so dependent on the supply chain and ties to China.

Anonymous said...

I am stunned that there is not more outrage over China's deception. I understand President Trump has to be calm and collected over it - after all he still has two more phases of a trade agreement to accomplish. BUT everyone else should stop pointing the finger at him and start hammering China.
What is wrong with these media folks.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn’t Congress declared war on China?

Anonymous said...

The buyers and purchasing agents of all retail companies can do Americans a huge favor by looking for items made in places other than China.
Also check to see if the company is owned by China, as is Smithfield Hams. Boycott all things Chinese!

Anonymous said...

Trump hating Hogan married one!