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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Puerto Rico voters overwhelmingly choose to become 51st state, but no change expected

Puerto Rican voters seemed to be on track to choose statehood over both independence and the status quo in overwhelming numbers Sunday, but the referendum isn't expected to actually change the financially-challenged island's status.

The referendum is non-binding and Congress would have to approve it, which election observers say is doubtful at a time when Puerto Rico is facing a debt and unemployment crisis.



Anonymous said...

Mentioned last week $70B we have poo'ed away year after year - plus that island is much easier to "handle" than say DC. 51st state should be PR!

Question is not why - its WHY NOT?

Concerned Retiree said...

US tax payers cannot afford to support any more "free loaders". They should have had a responsible government in place after all the years of being a territory. Their citizens should never been given US citizenship. Just another country that foreign aide should be revoked until they prove they are worthy to receive US tax dollars. They are just another group attempting to destroy the American way of life. Just look at this parade that they honor a terrorist.

BarryB said...

Of course they now want to become a State they're broke.

Anonymous said...

How does it benefit the U.S. ? They just want our money.

Anonymous said...

D.C. should never become a state. The land was granted from the state of Maryland. Give the land back to Maryland.

Anonymous said...

BAD BAD BAD drug problems

Anonymous said...

Where does their money go? They are an ISLAND for Pete's sake! They collect tourist dollars, sell the jets fuel, and run hotels and bars. They should be rolling in money!

Sorry, but there's mucho corruptiano going on here...

Anonymous said...

I think you should MOVE and be among the people and sort it out.

Anonymous said...

The United States of America. The District of Columbia is a federal district, not a state. Many lists include DC and Puerto Rico, which makes for 52 "states and other jurisdictions".

Zorro said...

More Democrat Voters

Anonymous said...

They're already US citizens. They should get to have their a say and have the right to vote in elections.

Anonymous said...

7:05 - as a country we do NOT want their debt or their liberal mentality!

Anonymous said...

Early question was why not? Opines included drugs, inability to govern, murder, feed of taxpayers, democrats.

Makes PR NO different than MANY of the 50 states! Lets just say $100B in debt rather than $78B.....then look at $20 TRILLION in debt overall. There really is no reason WHY PR couldn't become a 51st state.

DC, absolutely not, then should fall back into Maryland since they are on our side of the Potomac them statehood - HAHAHAHAHAHA, I'd make them another county so Montgomery (already highest taxes) nor PG (MGM casino) would prosper. Enough of this yapping, action is now needed.

One other item, don't think all 3.5M are dems in PR either...Repubs have the $$$$ not the Dems....all those HUGE boats in PR are Repubs!

Anonymous said...

Who is "our" in your statement, "our money".

Do you mean YOU and ME?
Or, do you mean the United States of America?

The latter entity is bankrupt.
I have a little bit of net worth.
I have no idea about you.