Three of four African-American boys in California classrooms failed to meet reading and writing standards on the most recent round of testing, according to data obtained from the state Department of Education and analyzed by CALmatters. (Anda Chu/Bay Area News Group)
Across ethnicities and economic status, girls outperform boys on English in standardized tests
Three of four African-American boys in California classrooms failed to meet reading and writing standards on the most recent round of testing, according to data obtained from the state Department of Education and analyzed by CALmatters.
More than half of black boys scored in the lowest category on the English portion of the test, trailing their female counterparts. The disparity reflects a stubbornly persistent gender gap in reading and writing scores that stretches across ethnic groups.
The data provide a unique glimpse of how gender interacts with race and class in mastery of basic reading, writing and listening skills tested on state exams. While California publishes separate figures on the performance of various ethnic and economic groups, it does not make public a more detailed breakdown of how boys and girls are performing within those groups. State officials say they do not sort the data that way because of complexity, cost and time constraints.
Unlike in math, where girls have caught up to boys in California and elsewhere, female students in general maintain a sizable lead over their male classmates in the language arts. While initiatives to encourage girls to learn math and science have received considerable publicity, the gender reading gap is viewed less as a problem warranting action.
This should come as no surprise. Legislative leaders couldn't care less about such statistics; Brown, Feinstein, Pelosi, Waters, Boxer are so consumed with their own agendas they are willing to sacrifice new generations ability to succeed. California is a good example of liberal progressive mindset gone wrong from protecting a guppy to ruining farmland to drought rather than seek viable alternatives.
big deal! so who's fault is it? mine? ours? theirs? bet they are pretty good at scamming a livin though!
Keep up the good work dems.
Future Brainwashed Snowflakes.
Let's poor more money into public schools that will help....
8:02 you took the words right out of my mouth.
Dumbacrats at their best.
The blame starts at home with parents who are not involved with their children. Schools only deserve part of the blame. These problems start at home and most of it is the break down of the family.
Say it ain't soooo.
You can lead a "horse" to water but you can't make him "drink'.... A simple fact of animal behavior. You can teach, teach, teach but you can't make them learn.
What, the families of these poor boys haven't been in the country long enough to learn and communicate in the nation's unofficial language, English?
A hundred and fifty years and seventy generations evidently hasn't been long enough.
Many of you have the wrong idea. They cant read. They cant learn. They cant get a job. 7:43am hit the nail on the head. They will turn to crime as sure as the sun sets in the west and rises in the east. Yeah. Its that predictable.
Then they go to UMES, and get a degree!
How, by the time a kid is 12, can he or she not be able to read after being in school for thousands of days?
Let me shift to my surprised face...NOT.
Liberals keep pushing the 'white guilt' to make it look like it's our fault that blacks can't learn or prosper.
It's sad when Benjamin Netanyahu speaks better English than Maxine Waters. It's not even his native language.
Until blacks start to take accountability and responsibility for themselves (instead of screaming for more handouts), they will never 'overcome' anything.
What about the handouts White people have been given for decades? Black people are told to pull ourselves up by our boot straps...but why not white people also? And I do not care if YOU personally didn't benefit from the government make a sweeping generalization about Blacks but can't handle it when the same labels are applied to White people.
Well apparently there's a 75% chance you can't read.
good Lord...just look at Wicomico Schools!
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