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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Good Men

Can a good man spend his days doing bad things and remain a good man? What if he chooses to spend his days doing bad things and could at any time elect not to do the bad things? Could decide – I am not comfortable with this; this isn’t for me – and quit, without risking anything (other than the need to find honest work)?

The German SA man of the 1930s was a very bad man – but he did, at least, have the defense of being under duress.

In 1930s Germany, it was socially (if not legally) difficult for any man to not become a willing helper of Hitler’s in some capacity – or at least, give the appearance thereof. One joined the partei – and sieg heiled along with the crowd. To not do so invited suspicion at minimum – and the very real likelihood of much worse. God help you if you publicly criticized the national socialist state or its leaders.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well this is not Nazi Germany and its not 1930. This is the U S of A qnd its 2015. We do not need to feel pressured into anything. And in fact as an American if you feel any pressure your natural instincg should be to push back. Screw this incestuous government. They are no longer helping you and me.