They were discussing children in school and the fact that the PTA holds field trips sometimes costing upwards of $80.00 per child. She said, "who can afford that, not any of the kids I know".
Mind you, while I'm sure these trips are educational and all, I have to agree, how many families can afford such a trip these days.
I should also say, I agree with school uniforms, (so to speak) as ALL children are then equal. So I asked Shanie, what are you going to do about it. Last night she decided to start a group that protects the interest of those families and children that can't afford these expensive trips.
I have to agree with Shanie. It shouldn't be solely for the rich. The PTA should make sure that each and every child that WANTS to attend, can attend. ALL of the children can fund raise to help one and other. Its not like they do this several times a year, so it shouldn't be that difficult.
Let's go back to the days where when and if someone wants something, they actually EARN it. In some cases you might even look at it as simply contributing. As adults we should do things on our own to be self supportive. However, when it comes to children we should be doing everything we can to encourage fairness no matter what kind of background you come from.
The PTA should not discriminate against those who cannot afford. You Go, I Go. It's called brotherhood.
Where is there a PTA that coordinates and pays for field trips? Typically it's the school or a particular class that coordinates these things. Sometimes PTAs will be asked to donate to help fund the trips.
When we were in cub scouts we had 90 plus scouts. We fundraised to take yearly trips. Those scouts went to new york stanton island ferry out to the statue of liberty.we attended a show at Radio City Music Hall.We toured the Luray caverns and sky line drive. We want to Norfolk Navel yard to see and board a real submarine and boats.
We all raised money and all the scouts that wanted to go went. All food was provided.
It was one for all and all for one.
I agree with you Joe. I'd be willing to buy candy bars, pizzas or whatever from the children. What would be nice also is if we could get a list of places these parents work (if they do work) and have them pledge to pay for the transportation or atleast pledge to pay for employees children to go on these trips.
As I have seen with some of these fund raisers, only a few put forth an effort. Maybe some ethics put into their education would be better.
My son's middle school Spanish class had to cancel a field trip because it wasn't fair that all students couldn't go (it was only offered to the kids in the Spanish 1 class). It doesn't make sense. All students have the opportunity to take the class. If they didn't, too bad now. Unfortunately, the ones who did take it and excelled all year don't get to go. Sometimes, catering to all isn't always fair either.
Sorry but last time I checked there have always been families who could not afford field trips. This is why America is the way it is. Everyone wants an equal share but it can not always be equal. Trying to equal the playing field costs everyone else money as well. Sometimes you have to suck it up and just deal with it...
It would be interesting to know what PTA is coordinating and paying for field trips in Wicomico County? And believe me I'm all about the kids have always been an active PTA member/officer in each of my children's schools) but I come from the old school of "giving someone a hand up, not a hand out"!!!
When I was in school I was in the Marching Unit. We sold so many candy bars is was not even funny. You had to sell so many to get credit. If you didn't sell you didn't go on the trip that is how it worked. We didn't live in a development so going door to door was even more difficult. We all managed to sell what we were required to sell and those who were a little short on the amount they had to sell were helped by people that did live in the more populated areas. Moral of the story we ALL worked together as a UNIT and got things done. Now it seems they all want to sit back and wait for things to be done for them. There has not been a time when a child has come by my house to sell something that I have told them no. Even if cash is short I will buy the least expensive thing even if I need it or not.
...hmmm..lets see...we pay huge amounts in county taxes..the bulk goes to education for the "children".. and still u get charged for field trips?? Ur nuts ....
i have no problem with having individual fundraisers for kids to get $ for trips or uniforms or whatever. i do however have a problem with fundraising or giving my own money for others. i have my own children to support, i can't be forced to do it for others. we do individual fundraisers at my daughters sports club. each family can choose to raise money through monthly fundraisers which is used to supplement out own individual accounts. i don't ask for others to pay my expenses and i don't want to be forced to do such.
My wife is a teacher and I remember some of the feild trips only coasting $3 or$4 bucks and the parant's wouldn't cough up the money so she would pay for the kids to go. The thing that pissed me off these same kids wore $150 sneakers. The parant's just didn't give a crap about education. just more entitlements.
12:43 that is the problem. It's become expected that we will pay for these children and we do it because we are shamed into it and don't want to risk being called uncharitable.
Like someone said above-Hand Up Not Hand Out.
The handouts are what have ruined this country.
In this life not everything is fair, I would have assumed that most of the grown adults would realize this by now. NOTHING IS OR WILL EVER BE FAIR OR EQUAL. Money talks, as long as it is around it will always rule.
geez we give them free food free medical free electric free rent free cell phones now you want us to give them free trips? what's next free vacations to disney world? you want it work for it like the rest of us have to. Can't afford it to damn bad. It's called get off your fat ass and work for it!
I have never heard of a PTA organizing field trips. I believe someone may have been misinformed.
The PTA at Willards Elementary School worked to fund raise money to send the students in that school to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. The PTA ended up fundraising money for every student to go for FREE. While the PTA does not organize field trips, they can assist with the fundraising needed.
One main thing is that these trips should NOT be costing $50.00 & up. This is just plain crazy. They should cost no more than the cost of gas & admission. Bring your brown bag for lunch. Maybe the schools & clubs should have just local trips for a while.
Others are correct here that the PTA doesn't plan the field trips, so don't tear down a group that works really hard to support our schools. Also PTAs face liability issues when funding the transportation for field trips--their insurance policy limits what they can fund. As for the uniforms, since when does dressing people alike automatically make them 'equal'? It might change one part of the picture, but until all students come to school 'equally' prepared to learn, 'equally' ready to behave, and 'equally' interested in maximizing the educational opportunities presented to them, you will have the same issues you have now...just dressed in polo shirts. (And will you also expect the PTA to pay for the uniforms for those who can't afford them????)
Trips today are expensive - even just gas and admission.
Glad Shields is getting a clue just in time for re-election time and that she is sucking up to the next mayor and using his blog to get out how benevolent she is.
My wife and I sponsored other kids going on trips (anonymously to the kids) for decades and helped classes earn money for them. Shields wants adoration for doing what others have done quietly for years.
PTA members -- be careful what you post! Read the national bilaws. If you organization is in fact a national PTA, you should not be funding field trips!! Be careful what you post.
I know for a fact that the Willards PTA pays for field trips for ALL students in that school. They do not discriminate against ANY student. They have one of the best PTA's in the county. They have fundraisers and work VERY hard to take care of the children's needs. Whether it be field trips or school supplies. I also have been told that schools like Prince St. doesn't really have a PTA. But I'm sure the parents of the children that go there spend plenty of time complaining about what their school doesn't do for their kids, instead of pitching in and seeing what they can do to raise money for the students.
If Dr. Freddy were not grossly overpaid, the B of E could sponsor the trips
What happened to the
P arents
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A ction
They are the ones that said the PTA was a joke right?
HA!!!! Freddies Angels, way to go appointed BOE
I know for a fact that
4:58 PM
Every time I see something like that, I automatically suspect the accuracy of the 'fact'.
More often than not, in my experience, it has been proven that that isn't the case at all.
My advice would be to just state the facts and let it prove itself. Qualifiers suggest that you want people to believe what you say instead of verifying it.
Wow 8:05 it must be great being you. But like I said before I do know for a fact about the Willards PTA because I have been a member since 2001, I was trasurer for two years while my son went to school there. I also worked at Willards School for 4 1/2 years. So yes I do in fact know what I'm talking about. Back to you......
Anonymous said...
PTA members -- be careful what you post! Read the national bilaws. If you organization is in fact a national PTA, you should not be funding field trips!! Be careful what you post.
May 15, 2012 4:25 PM
Where in the bylaws does it state that?
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