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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Democrats And Republicans Not Even Close To Settling Deficit Reduction Differences

Democrats and Republicans on the special deficit reduction committee appear no closer to resolving their differences, the Associate Press reported. This came after yesterday's Republican proposal to allow some tax increases. The proposal was quickly dismissed by Democratic members. The GOP plan would have cut tax rates but ended some deductions, including mortgage interest. Democrats say it would have raised middle class taxes but lowered rates for the wealthy. The committee has until just before Thanksgiving to agree on a plan to present to the rest of Congress.


Anonymous said...

What don't these idiots get about the fact that we're in so deep that we have to attack this from both ends. Entitlements are unaffordable. But last I checked, the rich did quite well under both Reagan and Clinton tax rates that were higher than today's!

Anonymous said...

Vote out the irresponsible spenders.

Anonymous said...

I have the perfect compromise here, and I'm sure that it would get us out of this mess.

1. Give Democrats all the tax increases they want. Every penny that they want, not just what they ask for.

2. Give Republicans all the cost cutting they want. Every penny that they want, not just what they ask for.

This way, both sides have to stop complaining because they each get the "most important" way to fix the problem.

The subsequent increase in revenue and decrease in spending will have us back on the road to fiscal responsibility very quickly.

Anonymous said...

Why do Americans find it necessary to beg the illegal and immoral government who enslaves us to INCREASE the taxes upon us?

What is wrong with Americans?

Anonymous said...

This whole fiasco was designed to be a stalemat so they could go to the default-gut the military. That has been the democrat's end game all along.