Instead of giving me a bonus how about just giving me back what I’ve earned as a part of my salary. It’s crazy that he wants to give me a bonus when I feel its money I’ve earned anyway.
They take out around $30 a paycheck for the furlough days. We get paid bi-weekly so that’s 26 paychecks a year. Do the math and they take $780 a year out. So yeah give me a bonus but make it for $780 and we’ll call it even.
I know Rick feels bad about the county employees being furloughed and various layoffs and I think he thinks this is a real treat for us. No thanks, not really!!
If we have the money to give every eligible employee $200 than just lessen our furlough deductions. But that would make too much sense and Rick wouldn’t get any media coverage about that. I don’t want a bonus I just want the money I’ve earned.
whah whah whah, what a crybaby. there are many many people who would love to have your job, your furlough days and your Christmas bonus.
4:42, Oh yeah, where were all of you when nobody would come work for the county because the pay sucked. Most that went there are now experiencing the "payoff" for taking a job with low pay....and that is job security with the exception of a couple of dozen layoffs. BYW, there is no Christmas bonus. Never been one in the 27 years that I have worked there. Try a new line.
I'll take the $200.00 and the job you ungrateful slum lord (if that word is allowed). Some of us would love a job like that AND a Christmas bonus. You make me sick.
Be thankful you have a job.....How ungrateful.....
You have the nerve to complain, come on! I will take that job in a minute with or without a bonus. Unreal!
Remind me again what does Rick bring home? Think he really gives a shit at all?
I have no job, no bonus but am very thankful that during those years when I made good money, I invested it rather than buying new cars, boats, video games and $2000 flat screen tvs. I am in my 40's and living comfortably and will ride out this slump to ride the recovery back up. Everyone reading this has the same ability to do the same. Stop spending money on things that you don't need. Start cutting back, pay off debt and invest in your future.
So let us just close all County and State building for one month. Stop all public services, all mail, all government checks, all food stamp/cards and see who is the first ones crying.Think about it, you don't like us but where would you be without us. map
I cannot believe all the posters who are agreeing with 4:42. I think you all miss the point. To reduce county employees' salaries through furlough days and then turn around and give bonuses, which are generally distributed in good economic times, makes no sense. 4:42 has every right to wonder, as I do, about the stupidity of this move. Are you telling me that Pollitt's move makes sense to you?
5:25 PM
The things you mention are FEDERAL. No wonder you only work for the county, and then bitch about it.
If you don't want the bonus, rip up the check. If you don't want your job, quit. You're not gonna get any sympathy here.
Sorry if you think you have it so 'bad' but most people have it worse. A lot of cities have gone bankrupt. Counties and the country itself isn't much better.
Oh, and Merry Christmas.
How about all the construction workers out of work due to local projects going to out of state contractors!
>>>Stop all public services, all mail, all government checks, all food stamp/cards and see who is the first ones crying.<<<
Gentle reminder, 5:25. As a taxpayer, I'm PAYING for all those services - though few of them benefit me personally. And frankly, if you don't like the job, move on.
Amen 5:22. Better to be the ant rather than the grasshopper. Than you can actually enjoy the time off some.
sounds like a lot of the unemployed can afford internet access I doubt they are in the Library maybe they should prioritize too and stop being so preachy
You have to find the good anywhere you can and be glad you have it. Is the glass half full or half empty? Thats a question we must answer for ourselves. Do you want to be happy or do you want to be sad? Two hundred dollars pay some electric bills.
Recall the Rickster NOW!
5:25 sounds like a lovely idea. I'm all for it. especially since I pay taxes and get nothing repeat nothing from any of you ungrateful leeches! Police? what a joke, I live in the county so volunteer fireman, ie, not paid, kids in private school, so nothing there, so please enlighten me as to just what I get from you that I should be so thankful for with all the tax money I am forced to fork over?
Last time I checked, it's a free country, nobody is forcing you to work there! so close it down then maybe my taxes will be lower!
out of state contractors are BIDDING LOWER than our local contractors, therefore they are losing bids. its real simple, our contractors here are not competitive enough, they are trying to pocket a few extra bucks with "local". just my opinion. the reason we do not have business in salisbury and Wico are because of high taxes from city, county and STATE and high crime. go 5 miles to delaware and the land taxes are 1/3 of wicomico county. real simple folks, real simple. i do not need a snow scraper down any of my roads, i purchased a vehicle that can go through it. stop looking for government to fix it, and fix it yourself.
sounds like a lot of the unemployed can afford internet access I doubt they are in the Library maybe they should prioritize too and stop being so preachy
November 29, 2011 6:27 PM
So what? We can afford cable too, and internet is included.
Internet is a priority. And guess what? You can even look for jobs on the internet. And the unemployment office actually prefers we file our claims ONLINE.
So find something else you can bitch about and beat us over the head with. You made a bad choice the first try. I'm sure you can come up with another. At LEAST one.
The State raised the sales tax on alcohol. Business when down as did revenue to the Worcester County Liquor board. They tried to get a bigger discount from a local distributor, could not, and then went to a distributor in Alabama for a better deal. State Comptroller found out about and and complained that the Alabama company didn't have a $200 State license to operate in MD. I think all that has been fixed now but a lot of money ($175K?) won't be returned into the local economy.
The State mandated that all its employees pay union dues whether they were members or not. I believe that cost State employees about $700 a year and put $6M new revenue into the Union coffers. These employees also have furloughs which is nothing more than an accounting gimmick where the employee can take one of their vacation days (many do on the day after thanksgiving anyway).
Stop complaining about Wicomico County. At least he's not on a Christmas vacation in India.
7:54pm sounds like you are a know it all about contracting and bidding here in Wicomico County. Truth is You have not a clue about what you are talking about. You have one thing right and that is the out of area contractors are beating the locals. Being competitive is a different story.These outsider's ARE NOT BIDDING APPLES FOR APPLES. Some of the prices they are submitting are way under what it cost local companies to stay in business and keep your neighbors working. When your bring in aliens to perform the work and pay them a fraction of what locals guy's are making (which in the construction trades is already very low)then yes they are gonna stomp our rear ends in bidding.With all of this said what in the world does your post have to do with the original post?
Quit your job and give it to someone who wants a job!!!!! It' the work ethic of today Someone owes me something!!!!!!! I worked as a nurse for 43 years (private and state sector) and NEVER received BONUS one!!!!! Yes I have a retirement which I contributed to, worked many holidays etc and I feel liked I earned it:I WORKED MY ASS OFF!!!!
Wow! Not to be master of the obvious, but you should be a little more grateful that you even have a job. Just because you were over paid before, doesn’t mean that the County or any employer has to pay you extra to “call it even.” In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of people out of work. If you want to complain, you should focus in on some of the dead wood at the County. There are people at the County, such as Joe Arthur, who make a ton of money and don’t produce a single solitary thing. Also, please respectfully remember that there are a lot of people in the private sector out of work and those that have a job have lost way more than you have; no Holiday pay, reduced vacation, three or four day work weeks, no raises in four years, etc.
I own a small business and have not taken a Christmas bonus in years or had a pay increase in 20 years! So quit complaining, take the bonus and stop your whining! You at least have a job---with benefits still.
I almost feel bad for this poster ... they have no idea how lucky they are or ungrateful as many other commenters have said. Maybe bringing this up on here will change how they feel. Or maybe they will just continute to be this way who knows.
i worked at the landfill years ago! worst thing i done was left! i never realised how good i had it!lol..althoug it was back in the day! we didnt make the best money!but the {fringe}benefits were happening! saturdays and sundays were the real good benefit days! lol..if u did1nt get there an hour early the gas tank would be empty! this was before jerry ketterman! got shafted. BLESS HIS HEART..he was one of the honest ppl there!but anyway! it was so bad that he had the tank dug up thinking it had a whole in it! lmao again!so then we started taking a wagon to county roads,filling it up and bringing it back!whitelock would make sure it was filled EVERY friday afternoon..it would be bone dry saturday morning by 7 am. i could tell some storys! lol..county run and they kept no records! the deise fuel was the best tho! RICK POLLITT can NOT be as dumb as he seems!!!lol..all the workers were getting diesl pick ups..u CAN drive a 60,000 dollar bubba trk![top of the line then]when the tax payers buy ur fuel! lmao,,RICK HAS THE SAME WHITELOCK RUNNING THE WHOLE SHOW! RICK!you aint that stupid! P.S..i'd like to take this time to thank EVERY TAX payer in the county! i appreciate all everyone did for that 10 year run!
another good one! lol..then i'm done! it was like two loads of recycling cans to go to baltimore! so jerry sent mark whitelock and jeff ennis the next day to haul them! county payed toll,lunch,whatever!lol by lunch time they were unloaded at sitting at a strip bar having lunch,sticking dollar bills in g strings! lol..they come rolling in the landfill at 9pm! with bogus reciepts, that were never questioned uptown! i don't know if they keep any records at all!
Just be thankful you have a job when so many dont!
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