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Friday, September 09, 2011

A Letter To The Editor 9-09-11

Good Morning Joe,

I was having a talk with a concerned person this morning and the information he expressed to me raised a concern to me as well. It apparently involves the Worcester County Public Schools. I was told that the left over food from the cafeterias was divided up between the workers so they could take it home. Now I am all for not letting the food go to waste, however I also feel there is a much better way to distribute the food to those in need. Citizens' tax dollars are used to help fund the programs at the schools, so ultimately, it is the
citizens' money. Wouldn't that food be better used to help the disadvantaged people who are not privy to a warm meal? There are many homeless shelters, tent cities, food pantries and senior organizations who would gladly distribute it to those in true need. The school EMPLOYEES are fortunate to have a job, get paid by the school system with our tax dollars and have a roof over their heads. Is it right that they should be also taking home the leftovers? I was also asked if this was normal practice in Wicomico County schools. I honestly do not know their practices, however it begs to be looked into. I felt as though you were the best source of this information and could uncover the info we need to know.
Keep up the great work you do for the community!

A Concerned Citizen


Anonymous said...

I will bet my house there's a law out there that requires all that food be shoved in a dumpster and that these folks who, like me, cannot see food go to waste take it home just to be prudent. Prudence, however, is probably against the law these days, so now that you've written this letter, you will probably open up a big investigation requiring multiple arrests and jail time for those who just want to preserve and protect our natural resources and Nature's bounty.

When did a REPUBLIC turn into a democracy?

Anonymous said...

You really did not make it clear if they are taking home food for their own consumption or scraps for their animals. I do not think by the time the workers had cleaned up at day's end the food would be warm. I also do not believe the government would allow distribution of leftover cooked food be handed out to the needy.

Anonymous said...

so they took the food home, big deal, they make 20k per year! try living on that. I think concerned citizen needs something else to be concerned about.

Anonymous said...

Wow you need to get a life.If this is all that you have to worry about you are one lucky person.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet that if someone "looks into it" they will make it mandatory to throw it away and then nobody will get it but the flies. At least now it is going to people to get eaten.

Anonymous said...

It does sound nit picking, but the point to consider is the fact they may be making to much food so there is a lot of left overs to split up and take home at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

I guarantee you that these workers make very little compared to other Board employees.

Anonymous said...

Wake up dummy! So, they give it to the homeless, the homeless person gets food poisioning and sues the School. End of lesson!! Get the picture. You justg can't do that! So, let the folks that serve it have it. At least if it is good enough they want to eat it too. They do the same thing at restaurants.

Anonymous said...

For your information 603PM....I live on a lot less than $20,000 a year and on top of that, I don't have anyone handing me food either! I also have a child and a house that I am responsible for and no, I don't have food stamps and welfare coming in either. Probably a lot of those folks are making a heck of a lot more than $20,000 a year and being able to have free food would be nice. But I have to work for my food and do without an awful lot to just stay afloat.

Anonymous said...

waste not, want not.

Anonymous said...

it has never been a REPUBLIC or a democracy

Anonymous said...

it has never been a REPUBLIC or a democracy

September 9, 2011 11:01 PM

Oh pray tell, what has it been?

Anonymous said...

FYI!!!! I have worked in the (and still do for 9 years now) cafeteria and that is such bull shit!!!!!!! Where did you get your facts?! Know ALL of your facts before you write stuff - Concerned Citizen!!!!! Also, due to allergies and Insurance reasons, we cannot give food to the homeless!!!!!! So please get a life and know your facts before you start accusing or wondering!!!! Why don't you call the board and ask, before doing this!!!!! Also, I KNOW where my money comes from and I ALSO pay taxes too!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is "NO" democracy in the work place. They can tell you what to do , when to do it , and how much to do , as long as it is legal and safe.
When you walk out the door and are on your way home , democracy starts.

Anonymous said...

The writer sounds like a pompus axx that doesnt work and has nothing better to do than worry about others getting more than them. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the ignorance of the responders / writer.
"get paid by the school system.. and have a roof over their head" (how totally arrogant) or "they may make more so they can take it home". (Are you kidding?)
These people make nothing and you are whining because they took home some cold left over CAFETERIA food?
Oh my god, imagine if they happen to take a bite of something while they are at work on break. They have access to the food! They must be snacking!!
The travesty of it all!
Off with their heads!
You are a pathetic, selfish, arrogant, meddling, whiner.