Today - Gannett Corporation - (The Daily Times parent company) - GCI trading symbol - came within a dime of setting yet another all time record low. All of the MSM publications have come under enormous pressure from the emergence of electronic media rivals. Today the stock sank to $9.55 per share.
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I really look for them to fold very soon. Every morning I notice at the Autumn Terrace Exxon that their papers are never bought. The content is so thin anymore that I do not classify them as MSM.
I just wish they would quit throwing their plastic wrapped advertiser in my driveway every week. It has rained for the past two days and now the paper is sludge at the end of my driveway.
Almost all of the liberal medias are in trouble. Air America collapsed, CNBC ratings are horrible. When will the liberals realize the error of their ways.
Today as I was getting my late morning shower my phone rang....Finally I stepped out and said HELLO...There was a guy asking me to buy the Daily Times..I said sir Iam not interested....He says well what about the Sunday paper...again Iam not interested..This went on for what seemed like 5 minutes,,,He just kept right on...asking me why not>> I said I dont read your paper.To make a long story short... finally I said to him ...Now mind you he was harassing me.. I was trying to get him off the phone...(#@#$@$%#@#$@#$@#$@@% up your $$#^%$%^#^%$# and dont ever call me again..Boy I let him have it..Well guess what 2 hour later , my phone rang again ...Well guess who ..The Daily times again...What is wrong with you idiots????
I just wish they would quit throwing their plastic wrapped advertiser in my driveway every week. It has rained for the past two days and now the paper is sludge at the end of my driveway.
September 9, 2011 8:18 PM
I'm with you on that. They get picked up and thrown away. They don't even make it inside the house. Much less looked at.
Hey DT, stop littering.
I don't wish a loss of jobs...but, sorry, I hope that smear rag goes away.
Anymore, all it does is cover those stupid Ireton press conferences where he whines about Cohen like it's a campaign. Or it claims Campbell has a conflict because she's breathing. Or the whole city council sucks because it didn't give BOE's Super Freddy what he wanted. Or the county council is evil because it doesn't dump money at Tricky Ricky's feet.
Come on already. Give me the damn sports scores and let me know when the Feds are done screwing me out of what's left of my paycheck and be done with it.
To 9:30 PM Posting
Ditto - I couldn't have said it more eloquently. The Daily Times has lost touch with reality.
Their media bias is well documented and the local reading audience is now on to them. That is the reason their circulation numbers have tumbled and also is a reflection on their stock value. Notice that Warren Buffett - previously one of their largest shareholders - has tried to do damage control by siding with the Obama administration. But bottom line - Warren has lost a bundle on the Gannett stock. He is almost 90 years old and ought to have unloaded the stuff when it was trading in the 50s & 60 dollar range. Soon it will go to penny status - just wait and see.
I'm with the others. Stop throwing your trash in my driveway!! I'm also sick and tired of the delivery drivers flying down the road with very loud mufflers. It wakes me up every morning about 5:30.
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