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Friday, August 26, 2011

The Daily Times Will Do Anything To Sell Papers Any More

I am writing this letter and sending for post on your site because of my absolute disgust with journalists’ desire to shock or gain chatter through divulging details better left in Hades. Over the past several years, Delmarva has had to face brutal reality in the instances of Sarah Foxwell and the Damned Earl Bradley. I managed to shield my children as well as myself from the horrible details in both cases. In times of such trauma, aftermath and horror, details are better left to courtrooms and to ultimate Judges. Now, in reading one article regarding Bradleys sentencing on the delmarvaonline site, today, I want to vomit having read the words the author Cris Barrish felt the need to publish. Shame on him and shame on Gannett for publishing it. I read only to hear his sentence and was thrown head on into disgusting full details which are now emblazoned in my mind. Thank you, Cris, Gannett and all other shock journalists who are so desperate they need to go beyond “just the facts.” Bradley will get what’s coming to him and God bless those children and their families but do they or I need to hear of the travesties? Society does NOT need to know everything. Just because you have the right to know doesn’t mean you want to know or should. I write because I am appalled and call on others to express their voices in this matter as I have to the editor and author. Having read your blog before, I expect readers to attack me but I am asking for people to consider the impact of journalists’ words on victims and those attempting to shield our young children from such horrors.
Kerrie Bunting

New posts will fall below this one.


Joseph Albero said...

Kerrie, I thank you for taking the time to express your opinion.

Let me assure all of you this. I have held ALL of the charging documents on Bradley since day one. My Wife sat in awe reading all of the things this guy allegedly did.

The first thing out of my mouth was, NONE of this will ever see the light of day on Salisbury News.

Let me add, what this guy did was by far the most disgusting crimes the WORLD has ever seen or heard of and I'm not kidding. THE WORST!

The Daily Times is absolutely desperate to survive. They're on their last leg and every one knows is. People are calling us daily to advertise as well as many others letting us know they cancelled their subscription.

Its unfortunate they would publish such information and there's no excuse. They must be in bed with Jonathan Taylor, is all I can say. Because they're the bottom scum of the earth and they'll say and do anything for attention.

Adrian said...

As I write this, one of our publishing offices has contacted Bradley to finish negotiations on a “True Crime” book deal. Our company has also been in touch with a production company in California to do a movie. The movie would use CGI children, like in the current production of “Apes” in theaters now.
The laws governing criminal from profiting from their crimes don’t preclude Mr. Bradley or any other criminal from using “Deal” monies for legal fees. Bradley has hired a US Constitutional law professor to look into the legalities of the search that uncovered the tapes. From what has been told to us so far, it looks very good for him. Something about fruit from a poisonous tree thing.
I don’t think we have heard the last from Bradley unless someone inflects prison justice on him in the shower.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ms. Bunting. The people who choose, as untasteful as it may be, to publish these details should put a warning at the top of, or in the beginning of the article. This is not the first time I have read the details that she is referring to. I cannot remember specifically which local news website it was, so I won't name names, but one of them had the some of the charging docs in pdf format on their website. These details ARE very disturbing and disgusting. I have said, since the first time I read any of the details, I wonder if therapy has been offered to the forensic detective(s) who had the unfortunate job of going through his computer and files. There are just some things that will never be scrubbed from your brain!

Anonymous said...

I have heard something about a movie deal with this monster. There is also talk of a vidieo game where the player is the doctor.
This world is sick, maybe earthquakes, floods, and huricans will strighten it out, NOT.

Anonymous said...

Not meaning to 'attack' you but no one forced you to read the details you find objection to. You read them and then bellyache about reading them. Sorry, you can't be judgmental of the thing you participated in.

But thanks for the warning. Now people will know what's in the paper and can decide whether they want to be exposed to it without reading it.

Anonymous said...

Our society is sh!t and it will destroy itself, bank on it.

Anonymous said...

You people need to get a life and face up to the fact there are monsters among us. This is reality no Hollywood. I for one want to know the details and know what makes these people do what they do.
Print the facts and don't glaze over anything. Thats the problem with the world we live in. It's a battle every minute your alive~!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I agree.

I do know "shock" has value in getting others to report behaviour that they would otherwise blow off.
That's why alot of victims go public with their abuse stories.

Take for instance a neighbor may be suspious a child is being sexually abuse but doesn't want to get involved. Alot of time the thought of "another" Earl Bradley is enough to get them to call.

Adrian: The only place you are going to find purchasers in on an illegal child porn site. You are totally wasting your time.

Anonymous said...

Also Adrian:

The families can come back on you because of "intentional afflication of emotional pain" the sue all of you that choose to profit off of this.

Adrian said...

Beaufort Books is who I work for, and they are in contact with Mr. Bradley, they are the same folks that did O.J. Simpsons book, and it sold 750,000 copies. True Crime sells, take a look at Barns and Nobels book shelves under crime, it is filled with sicko stuff.

Anonymous said...

I do hope the comments by 2:10 was a joke.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Bunting, I can empathize with how you feel, and will not be attacking you, but I will say I disagree. The more I know, the better I can equip my children to be aware of what is going on around them. Would I let them read an article like that? No, but I can read it and make sure they know about sick people like this doctor. There was a suggestion above about a warning in the article stating there are salacious/disgusting facts inside. I like that idea. You can even italicize the information so anyone who wants to know about the case can read it but skip everything in italics. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I think you are barking up the wrong tree with this one, Adrian. Yes true crime sells when there is a mystery behind it-like a who-dun-it murder, the investigation, arrest and a trial.
No one will buy it except for child sexual predators and they'll be afraid to buy it online thinking it's some kind of set up.

Cathy said...

hiding the details will not make them go away. if you don't want to hear them, don't read the articles that deal with Bradley.

like someone else said, there are monsters out there. they live among us... right here in our little community. i for one want to know what happened. the details just infuriate me more. perhaps the right person who is currently incarcerated will read those details & dispose of this particular monster.

Gerald said...

Has everyone forgotten about the movies that have been done on Jeffery Dalmer, John Wayne Gacy, and other killers? They also have books for sale. Gacy was selling his art for money. The market for stories about “Monsters” is huge. Did you know there are books on Amazon you can buy that tell how to grab children at bus stations and make them into sex slaves? Books on who to trick children into getting into your car, one says, “Go to the local animal shelter and get yourself a puppy, they are good for getting little children to come with you.”, There are vacations that advertise sex with 12 to 16 year olds in Thailand. There are man/boy love clubs, not even touching the Craig List adds for all kinds of “Encounters”.
Yes there is a market for this sick crap; we just don’t want to believe it. A company in Japan makes little girl sex dolls, they can’t keep up with the orders. A few years ago a list of subscribers of a really nasty sex magazine were leaked, over ¼ of the men subscribing were clergymen, we live in a real sick world.
I read a few days ago here about New Orleans still being the Sodom and Gomorra of the south, with sex acts being done in full view of all, right on the street. Thousands flock to this city every year for Mardi Gras, and all of the nasty they can partake of.
This world is sick and it is going to go the way of Rome, read about it, the Romans had orgies, dope, degusting behavior with the same sex, spectacles of gore in the coliseum; live sex shows, incest, perversion, and lust were everyday occurrences.
People say, “Well I don’t buy that stuff”, BUT, you help contribute to the decay of society by condoning it. You say, “I don’t condone it”, have any of you written a congressman and encouraged them to Impeach President Clinton, when he had oral sex in the Whitehouse? Has any one of you written and expressed concern about this same sex marriage law? Have you written about the ordinances changes that were made in the city of Baltimore to allow full nude strip clubs? What about so called, medical marijuana?
Don’t condemn the media for doing a job that pays the bills, in the end everything is all about the money.