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Friday, July 15, 2011

Why Bother Working?

I’m not wealthy.  However, I have studied a little economics.  So, when I hear leftists like Barack Obama talk about the need to increase taxes on “the rich”, I know how counter-productive that is.  When was the last time that a poor person gave you a job?

But I have to tell you.  There are days that you just want to throw in the towel.  You wonder if its really worth getting up and going to work each day.  Why?

Yesterday SBYNews publisher Joe Albero sent me this picture:

You have to look close.  Do you see the two signs that say “FREE CELL PHONES”?  Take a closer look below:


That’s right – your tax dollars pay to give free cellular service to others.  I’ll be honest, I’ve heard these stories for years but didn’t really believe them.  You stand in line behind people that clearly are not citizens and most likely are illegal immigrants and watch them pay for their groceries with food stamps.  But you hope that this is merely anecdotal.  You here stories about free cell service but hope it’s an urban legend.  Well, it’s not!

Go to the web site of Life Wireless.  They are quite open about what business they are in.  If you receive ANY of these benefits:

  1. Temporary Assistance to needy Families (TANF)
  2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  3. Food Stamps
  4. Medicaid
  5. Senior Citizen Low-Income Discount Plan (offered by the local gas or power company)
  6. Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)
  7. Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

then you are probably eligible for free or reduced cell service.  Even if you don’t receive those particular benefits, they still may be able to get you a “welfare phone”.

I have a cell phone.  Most of us do.  There were times in my life when I couldn’t afford my service so I went without or used a pre-paid service.  I know lots of people who have had to do the same thing.  I guess I just missed the vote.  I could have gone down to the corner of Delaware and Isabella and picked up an “Obama phone”.

What happened to “welfare reform”.  By the looks of things, we’re back to the way things were in the 1970’s era of the “Welfare Queen”.


Anonymous said...

Is America great or what!

Anonymous said...

Just another small piece of the communists plan to make everyone totally dependent on the government. A word to the wise-be ready for the anarchy that is coming. Look at what just happened in Texas with the bumbs trying to get government (taxpayer) "assistance" (handouts) for paying their rent. It's coming to every town in America real soon. Keep your powder dry because it will be every man for himself when it goes down.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing new. Where you been?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:36 is right.When EBT cards stop working,the crap is going to hit the fan.The bad thing is,those people getting all the entitlements feel just that way,entitled.When you have people rioting over housing vouchers that gives you an idea of the world our kids will inherit.

Anonymous said...

All these entitlements are a form of slavery plain and simple. It's a way for the "masters" of the government to control the "slaves." A way to make dependants out of them.

Anonymous said...

To aid in helping drug dealers.

Anonymous said...

I think that only the elderly should be eligible for the free cell phones. Many may not like or even know how to use one but they can learn. I did not get a free one but bought my Mom one just to keep in her pocket. She lives alone and insists that hanging clothes outside to dry is the only way. I was worried that she may fall or trip so I got the phone so if she were to fall outside, at least she could call me or 911.

Anonymous said...

They've got the wrong name on that Social Services card. Instead of "independence Card, it should be named "Dependence Card." When are the real Americans going to wake up?

Anonymous said...

When are the real Americans going to wake up?

lmao. Here we go again with the 'real' americans.

Just what, in your opinion, is a real american?

Indian perhaps? Or a Spaniard?

Anonymous said...

11:11, you have it all wrong.

Anyone freeloading off of gov. aid is NOT a real american.

The "real americans" are the farmers who's businesses thrive off of gov. subsidies.

It's "the greatest generation" and their kids who now suck up a huge chunk of the fed budget through the major entitlement programs.

It's all those hardworking blue collar workers who are now receiving food stamps in record numbers due to the recession.