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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It Looks Like This Storm Will Pass Without Leaving Much Behind

If there's one thing to be happy about right now its the fact that this storm will pass Delmarva, (barely) and not drop the amount of snow forcasted last week. Fortunately the path of the storm changed and I won't have to be outside all day and night clearing sidewalks and driveways.

Mind you, my Friend from the Western Shore came by two weeks ago and did all the maintenance needed to get my snow blower ready for whatever storm hit us, including adding an electric starter for the unit. So we sit back and await the next storm and curse Fredricksen for sending our children home way too early today. Can this guy ever get it right. Oh well, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. That's why he gets paid the big bucks.

It will be icy out there this evening so do be careful.


Anonymous said...

The news and 12 still says 2-5 inches for our area.

Joseph Albero said...

If you think 3 to 5 " is a STORM, move back to Florida.

Anonymous said...

Ice is more dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Its sleeting now so its probably good that they are getting out early. Mind you kids in high school are young drivers so letting them out early was a good call by Fredricksen.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Fact Dr. Fred was encouaged by both the state and county to close early.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt Fredericksen sent ALL the school kids on Delmarva home early today. Like I have mentioned before, instead of being so critical of weather delays and closings in the school system, contact the BOE and see what the precedure is. I did, and I now have a very clear understanding of what is involved in school closings and delays.

I read the same crap on here every time school is delayed or closed so why not take the time to find out the other side of the story.

Anonymous said...

Amen 1:17! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Private Schools letting out early as well.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they need to reassess their policy for sending kids home then. When school was called, NOTHING was falling from the sky. No sleet no snow, nothing. It's now 2:02 and it's had 2 or 3 ice pellets fall and still nothing. This is ridiculous all of the kids got out early. Again, if policy said if there's a chance send them, they might need to add if it's started send them.

Anonymous said...

why is it "ridiculous" to miss 2 hours? so the kids get a couple hours off, so what?

Anonymous said...

Better safe than sorry.
Be careful out there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and once the ice/snow/sleet starts, then you call the bus contractors and send out parent alerts? You'd have to move even faster to leave work to pick up your child and we'd hear about that.

Anonymous said...

With the education that the school system is providing, it appears to me they need all the time in school they can get.

Anonymous said...

1:17 - A wise man once said there are three sides to every story; having found one doesn't establish a truth.

Anonymous said...

If students eat lunch, then it counts as a full day, so no make ups.

Anonymous said...

The BOE is advised by the MD State Police, local police, etc. as to closings/delays. Why take a chance with our precious children? Parents need to have a backup plan for situations like this well in advance and be thankful that the BOE cares about their kids. All the complainers out there would be the first ones suing if their kids were in an accident driving in snow 0r uce because schools didn't close early enough! I say, "thank you, Board of Education, for not taking chances with our children's lives." I usually don't disagree with you, Mr. Albero, but I do on this one.

Anonymous said...

3: 11, A wise man at least seeks one instead of sitting back and complaining about the other "truths" people present.

elroy jetson said...

fredrickson is just putting on his liberal diaper! just like wboc weather is, as they mispredected the dec 26 snow storm.

Anonymous said...

I was very thankful schools closed early based on the forecast. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Our school bus drivers are carrying precious cargo and many kids have to walk home from school which is dangerous due to slipping hazzard. Not only can they have an injury from falling they could fall into the path of a bus. It was the right decision and I support it. The kids get credit for a full day and parents did not have to worry.

Anonymous said...

And it's still just raining. Good thing we got all this mess they talked about so the kids had to go home early (not). All of the wintry mix wasn't supposed to start until Late afternoon... how does that justify getting out at 1?? What gets me is when the snow is falling and covering everything, it takes hours for them to call it and send kids home. Someone jumped the gun and overreacted. It was a bad call.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 6:32, so you know, I was just outside on my driveway and it's a sheet of ice.

Anonymous said...

They close schools early because some buses are still on the roads as late as 5pm in the farther sections of the county dropping off students.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, people need to chill when complaining about letting school out early as witnessed by the last storm on christmas, forecasts can change fast and like another poster said, there are buses out till like 5pm, whats be overprotective or have something simply horrible a father of a second grader at salisbury school where they call it in line with the county....I would much rather spend some hot days in June picking my son up then think about the alternative