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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Democrat: Citing Constitution Will Cost Taxpayers $570K

Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown said a GOP requirement that lawmakers cite the Constitution in each bill they introduce will cost $570,000 in additional printing costs.

The Florida Democrat, who is in her ninth term in Congress, said the extra costs are attributed to “supplies, labor and delivery."

Democrats have complained about the new House GOP rule, which requires all legislation to include a citation to language in the Constitution that authorizes any bill they introduce. Democrats see the new requirement as an unveiled accusation that the last Congress exceeded its constitutional authority.

Brown’s argument seems designed to appeal to Republicans. She argues the new rule will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in Congressional Record printing costs to be paid for by taxpayers.



Anonymous said...

Maybe so, but it will save much more than that keeping BS bills from coming to the floor.

Bob said...

According to the article, "Brown reiterated other Democratic arguments against the new rule, including that it is the job of the courts to decide when Congress has overstepped its bounds."

The problem with that mindset is that a U.S. citizen must suffer injury and/or spend thousands of dollars in order to get the court to hear the case - and only then if they decide to hear it. What justice can there be in passing regulations and laws that require someone be injured first in order to determine if it passes the constitutional muster?

No. This is a good rule as long as proposed legislation must first pass the constitutional challenge BEFORE it is voted upon by legislature. Make no mistake. If it isn't required to pass a constitutional litmus test, it's nothing more than lip service - don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining.

Anonymous said...

Good...We have that money laying around now that John Boehner gave up speaker nancy pelousy's(spelling intentional)jet for her and her family to joy ride around on. I think we should read it on the floor 2 times a year. Most of these idiots in DC have forgotten what the document says and means or worse yet don't care. It is time for a revival and celebration of everything that makes this country great. Sorry libs, that is not cradle to grave nanny state. It is limited government, hard work and American exceptionalism.

Cory said...

It should become law that all politicians be able to recite the constitution on demand in full to any person or group that asks them.... then and only then will they understand it and follow it

Anonymous said...

get a group of people, not of this country, to wine in front of the news people, how the constitution offends and threatened it makes then feel....poof! its gone. there be some kind of a law passed for them.