Parcel 882 is the old Firehouse and the land it sits on. The same parcel that was advertised by the City of Salisbury. Parcels 883 and 884 are the Project Open Space parcels the city tried to slip into the bidding process without public knowledge. As you can see clearly, parcel 882 is not in any way, shape or form, connected to the property on the river.
There needs to be a FULL Investigation on who is playing games in the city council, This property needs to be RELISTED and Re-advertised......PERIOD.
Yeah, Joe, you're right on the money. The city can't sell land that was bought through Program Open Space without getting the DNR approval. They could have sold the fire house and the lot it sits on without selling the 2 parcels that on on the waterfront. Those are park land and have nothing to do with the firehouse.
You are right Joe, in the 12 years I worked there never once did we have to maintain or cut the grass there. Trust me Darling would have made us if that property belonged to the FD.
When are you going to get it, you cant win over the Council and his Butt Buddies
Hmmm, something fishy there.
so all three parcels have a value of 635500 and it all goes for 100000
now thats a bargain will they have to pay taxes on what its worth or what they bought it for
Aren't these people professional and educated individuals? And they made an error of this scope? Doesn't sound like an "error", but, rather, a deliberate and intentional attempt to scam the people. But these leaders expect our trust and respect? Maybe an total and full outside audit of the entire local government is in order, because, in my experience, something like this is usually just the tip of the iceberg.
Anon 5:17 the 3 parcels are ASSESSED for tax purposes at the value you stated. The appraised value of just the firehouse and the land it is on is $798,000. The two parcels on the river were not included in that appraisal.
This is as screwed up as the sewage plant -- can't the mayor and departments (it's not the City Council's fault, folks) do anything right?
If you sell a parcel with open space monies, you have to use the proceeds to purchase land. The council did't do their homework on this sale.
5:17, that the assessed value. The appraisal on the firehouse parcel was $798,000. Palmer Gillis doesn't want to be criticized but had no problem disparaging Ralph Krum the appraiser.
Great that you are posting this stuff, Joe. Kudos to Terry Cohen for the abuse she took at that meeting for pointing out the parcel shell game and bogus ad. Thanks to Debbie Campbell for the heads up about the Open Space issue.
Two honest folk in our city government. Devil can have the rest.
Anon 5:30pm I beg to differ with you, it most certainly is the fault of the Council Majority for rushing this through. It is the fault of the council majority for always saying "trust the staff". Everytime you trust the staff there is a major screwup, especially from the finance department. $10million sitting on the side not being entered in the books ring any bells? How about a dump truck Pam Oland, head of finance and John Pick, City Administrator said needed budget amendments? Does that ring any bells? They'd rather blame Cohen because she asked a question than take responsibility for their own negligence. Ireton is just as guilty for pushing this land scam through and blaming Cohen. He's such a girl!
This needs to go to court if they don't readvertise, rebid, etc. Pam Oland needs to be fired, like yesterday. Barrie hired the air head and nothing is still up there obviously. The whole city needs to be investigated, everything is so always wrong.
Omigosh! This must be the map Terry Cohen said she was looking at the night of the vote. No wonder she was asking what the heck was going on!
Is this incompetence or intentional?
This whole process has been a sham! Person above, I agree, trust the staff my big toe! What's to trust?
Anon 6:14 lets do take it to court. Are you willing to go in on legal costs? I'm ready when others in this city do more than complain. Let's put our money where our mouths are.
So, how much more evidence do we need to prove the incompetence and corruption of and by the Majority of Three?
I agree, there's alot of complaining going on but is anyone actually going to do something about it????
lmclain said...
Aren't these people professional and educated individuals? And they made an error of this scope? Doesn't sound like an "error", but, rather, a deliberate and intentional attempt to scam the people. But these leaders expect our trust and respect? Maybe an total and full outside audit of the entire local government is in order, because, in my experience, something like this is usually just the tip of the iceberg.
5:18 PM
Yes and the Investigation needs to be done by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton need to be cell mates!!
Joe, possibly on Christmas Day could you take the day off and enjoy yourself with your family?
One thing you could do though is put together your collection of articles on this latest scandal and name it "Ireton's Christmas Gift to the City Tax Payers!" And maybe even incorporate a picture of Vaseline with it.
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