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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Do You Believe We Should Keep The Bush Tax Cuts?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dont make 250G
but the people who do are the ones spending money these days and that does directly impact me.
I guess Obama wants to be the only one who has money to spend.
What do we care about a high speed train? We cant even get a bridge updated in less than a year,
the empire state building was fully constructed faster than those guys can fix the 13 over 50 bridge !!!
Talk about Shovel Ready ????!!!

Anonymous said...


7:03 What kind of fool are you that you want your taxes to go up?

Anonymous said...

no, not the ones for the rich. yes for the middle class. Without pointing this out, you are asking a leading question. This is Obama's position, by the way.

Anonymous said...

BHO is an Incompetent Man Child Period ! His policies to destroy our country and way of life are working well for him. Although I would like to see the Bush Tax Plan stay, I know that if the economy gets better by 2012 BHO will take all the credit and be reelected. So let them expire Mr.President and enjoy the ride.

Unknown said...

These are the top one percent of earners. 30 years ago they took home 9% of salaries in the US. Today they take 24%. They are not taxed enough.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

but then again im in favor of the fair tax. im not in the top bracket, but i think that over 30% of your income tot he federal goverment is too much. add on top of that state and local taxes and the rich are taxed too much.
remember that 50% of people pay 98% of taxes. so whos not paying thier share?
lets do away with earned income and negative tax status. that would help save money.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. For everyone. I do not make that much money, but just because you make more money, doesn't mean you should be required to pay a much higher % of taxes.

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for the money to tickle down from the Reagan era.

Orsonwells said...


Anonymous said...

Yes it is our money and does not belong to the dirt bags in DC to be used to buy votes.

Anonymous said...

We can't afford them.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, this is a no brainer; the attitude of punishing people for being successful will take the economy that is on the skids because the same attitude says reward folks that don't pay their bills, protect greedy home-buyers after the fact and pay people to not work while thousands of illegals flood our borders daily to take the available jobs will put the economy into a death spiral.

Fortunately the Barack team that has created this mess will be gone in time to pull out of the spiral. We'll see the extension of the tax cuts, repeal of Obamacare, and government walking away from mismanaged, archaic companies now described as too big to fail.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Keep the Bush Tax Cuts.

Anonymous said...

Why should we pay taxes at all when our government (and the Federal Reserve) is monetizing our debt?

So they get to monetize the debt and then expect us to "pay it back" at the same time?

Our currency is already worthless and most non-Americans know it.

Anonymous said...

Only leave them in place for the middle class (do we actually still have a middle class?)and lower income. Raise them for that elite 1% making all the dough!!

Anonymous said...

The top 20% pay 80% of all federal taxes. The bottom 50% pay 0% of all federal taxes. The unfair part is the fact half of our nation has their hands out but don't put anything in the bucket!

Anonymous said...

Monetizing? What does this word mean? Can't say that I've heard it before.

Anonymous said...

to all who said NO; when is the last time you got a job from a "poor" person?
how does this relate to you? when so called rich people have more money they will invest; take chances; be more inovative; start businesses; hence hire more people.
class warfare must stop. all should pay "reasonable" taxes.
what is reasonable? enough to defend our country from our enemies. enough to maintain our infrastructure. not much more.
unfortunately our leaders have been allowed (by us) to go way too far. this is why we're in the mess we're in.
yes; keep the Bush tax cuts and CUT MORE; lots more................

Anonymous said...

I don't see it as an additude of punishing those who make more money.
I see it as giving them everything because they make more money.
Not all of us were born with a silver spoon in our mouth from wealthy families and not all of us were able to go to college and live the college life for many years to land the "dream" job.
They want to do everything else in this country from the top down so there's nothing left but a trickle so why do you want to make the taxation the other way and go from ground up?
The people these tax cuts were for can afford it! They have ways and means of hiding money where the average Joe does not, so yes, let them pay more taxes and cut the taxes on the ones who can least afford it - like the MIDDLE class which is becoming a VERY small sector!

Anonymous said...

Nope. the top 1% don't need help from the Government. In fact, its very much the other way around right now.

Anonymous said...


The only thing that is and SHOULD be fair is that everyone in the USA gets the same opportunities as the next guy. It's what you make of those opportunities.

Of course the tax cuts should be extended - permanently. 10% is good enough for the LORD so it should be good enough for the government.

At what tax rate does the "rich" stop working and then we will have NOBODY paying taxes. I heard someone on the radio say that se supported a 98% tax rate on the "rich" if that's what it took to run the country. Why in the world would anyone work in order to give all of his money away?

And P.S. before you answer back that I'm rich - I made $36,000 last year.

Anonymous said...

If you really think that in the USA everyone has the same opportunities as the next guy then you should be in favor of having a 100% inheritance tax. That way everyone will start out the same, and have to earn it. I don't think that will be very popular, so the gap between the classes will only be getting larger.

Anonymous said...

The wealthy are always crying that they pay all the taxes and that others pay none.
I know how much in taxes comes out of my paycheck every week. I don't get all that back but they'll tell you I pay no taxes.
I don't have loopholes to hide my money like some of them do in order to avoid paying taxes.
I've heard the reports over and over and over that the top 2% pay all the taxes. I don't think so!
As far as jobs - I don't believe the top 1 or 2% create all the jobs either. In fact, they are the very ones who have taken American jobs outside this country for even more tax incentives! Take the wealthy one who actually CREATES jobs in THIS country, builds factories in THIS country and sure, I'd be happy to give him tax incentives!!
As far as investing and buying stocks with their loads of money - think about that one too. When the stocks crashed - who's fault was it? Who got hurt the worst?
It wasn't the wealthy guys "playing". It was the middle class who lost 1/2 of their 401K's they had been paying into for years and years. THOSE are the people who got hurt the worst in my book!
Things like that are the exact reason I've always said NO to a 401K because you're in essence allowing someone else to "play" with your money and you can't ALWAYS win at every game!
So, again, let the tax cuts expire.
While I agree nobody should be "penalized" for making however much money - you shouldn't be "gifted" because you do make more money either!

Anonymous said...

Of course we should. If you listen to the left defending cutting them they are stubbornly refusing to shrink the Government in any way someone needs to tell them that taxes are our money.

Anonymous said...

Yes, for everyone.