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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Health Care Costs Will Rise Under Obama's Overhaul

According to a government report, the nation's health care tab will go up — not down — as a result of Obama's sweeping overhaul, arming critics who say the president was wrong to insist that the law would reduce costs.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Really, WoW! I'm so shocked the President lied to us say it isn't so!!!

Anonymous said...

We were just notiifed that our health insurance policy is being dropped as they are no longer taking anyone that is not in a group. We are self employed and must buy our own. Let's see how hard it's going to be for me to find insurance now. Thanks Obama!

Anonymous said...

Health Insurance companies are cooks thru and thru. Thank GOD Obama passed something... If these companies think they are fooling anyone into believing their rate hikes are a result of Obama they are kidding themselves...

and 10:52, you are an idiot if you think Obama had ANYTHING to do with your health insurer dropping you.

there is an individual at the health insurance who made that call- and his/her name is not Obama.... you are just looking for any excuse...

Anonymous said...

1:05 then why didn't he go after big bad insurance then? This debacle of health care reform is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm I believe he DID.

there are an extensive list of new laws and regulatory reforms.

youuuu didn't read it did you?


Anonymous said...

5:52 If he DID then why are premiums going up and people losing their insurance. The only people who will benefit are the lazy 24 year olds and the low income who would rather use the money for a BMW.

Plus, I have NOOOO intention of reading a 1000 page bill and I'm quite sure you did not either.

You are living in fantasyland if you think these things are not happening.

Anonymous said...

The right said this is what would happen but no one listened...FOOLS!

Anonymous said...

Nobody is listening to Obama anymore except the media, and they don't matter right now. It's striking. Obama has demonstrated, folks, he is a combination of an incompetent dissembler and leftist whose word can't be trusted. People are tuning him out. He's becoming an aggravation on television. It's, "Oh, no, is it him again?"

Anonymous said...

single payer is the way to go!

I'm confident Obama will attempt to enact a single payer system within the first year of his second term!

CLEARLY his policies are working if all of the insurance companies are grasping for straws to stir up fear.

Anonymous said...

SECOND term?
Ha ha.
Even the oblivious idiots are waking up and smelling the coffee.
There won't be any second term for the imposter.