Dustin Mills, candidate for House of Delegates, has announced his next fundraiser to be held October 4, 2010, at Market Street Inn, from 5:30-7:30. Tickets can be purchased at $30 per person or $50 per couple. Dustin will be speaking about small business and its increasingly adversarial relationship with state government. Dustin will present his views of how legislators in Annapolis can help small business. “I am pleased to be having my next event at a vibrant local business. Market Street Inn has been successful for several years, even during the current economic situation. I am humbled that they would be willing to host my event.”
Mills knows small businesses are very important to Maryland and critical to its economic rebound. “Small businesses are the lifeblood of Maryland, especially on the Eastern Shore. Legislators must do everything in their power to allow these businesses to flourish. We must stop creating new taxes and fees. We need to stop increasing and cut those taxes and fees that already exist. Entrepreneurs have a strong history of success on Delmarva and we must make sure that tradition continues and individuals are given the tools they need for success.” Mills believes that the tax burden on small business is too high and that a reduction is needed, such as cutting the sales tax increase, reforming the unemployment tax and reducing the corporate income tax, all of which are critical for returning Maryland to prosperity. For more information or to set-up an interview, please contact us at http://www.electdustinmills.com/ or e-mail: electdustinmills2010@gmail.com.
Marylanders for Dustin Mills
Small Business Fundraiser
October 4, 2010
5:30-7:30 pm
Market Street Inn
$30 per Person, $50 per Couple
For Reservations:
E-Mail: electdustinmills2010@gmail.com
Small Business Fundraiser
October 4, 2010
5:30-7:30 pm
Market Street Inn
$30 per Person, $50 per Couple
For Reservations:
E-Mail: electdustinmills2010@gmail.com
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