Let me tell you how to host the best fundraiser. The first thing you do is you go to Fruitland, where the citizens recognize great causes.
The Fruitland Police Department is in need of a K-9 Dog. Do they go to the Mayor and City Council and propose they shove the expense down the taxpayers throats like the City of Salisbury has notoriously done for so many years in the past, NO!
Instead, the Chief of Police pulls everyone together and provides a fundraiser for a great price. So many people showed up for this event, they may have just paid for the entire expense in one fundraiser.
This is the exact kind of example every other community needs to learn from. You see it in Willards, Pittsville, Parsonsburg, Delmar and so many other local communities. It's the right thing to do and that's why they're so successful.
Hundreds of people showed up for $25.00 a head and All-You-Can-Eat Crabs, hamburgers and hot dogs. Heck, even the beer was included!
Fruitland, my hat is tipped to you and while I was only going to pop in for a few minutes and head off to another fundraiser, there were just too many "good people" there to walk away. I paid my $25.00 and stuck around for 3 hours. Thanks for a great time and congratulations on the success of this event.
Where was it held? Looks like the Moose in Salisbury.
so this is what it is coming to? law enforcement having to raise their own funds on their own time to do thier job? I appreciate that they did this, but they shouldn't have to.
Small law enforcement agencies are like family. When they see something that needs to be done, they do it. They don't worry about being paid for every minute they are working past "quitting time". They serve their community, their agency, and their fellow officers. Officers in a small town recognize that their goal is still protect and serve. We should stand behind them and support them the same way.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Mike Phillips. He is a great Chief for Fruitland. We are blessed to have him.
Ole Ralph Shockley, now there's a man I haven't seen in years. Some stories could be told from his days in the Sheriff's dept.
4:26 Anon - that may be true in Fruitland and you appear to be a Fruitland officer but I can tell you what you stated does not necessarily apply in other small communities on the Shore.
In fact, I know it doesn't.
Kudos for Fruitland Police Dept. to have the support of their citizens. They've obviously EARNED their support!
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