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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Salisbury City Council - More Body Slams Than Monday Night Football

Oh, what a night! as the song said. Folks, the end of last night's meeting had me pacing the floor and you bet I'll deliver a hard hitting post later today. It's been awhile since the citizens got out there and attended. Don't get me wrong, that was great to see and about time. With all the county, state and national candidates I'm covering, it's been hard for even me to keep track of everything going on with Salisbury's daily dramas.

Until I get my post up, let's hear it from you. Were you there? Give me your thoughts. Did you watch it on PAC14? How'd it look to you out there? Open forum, let 'er rip.


Anonymous said...

I was there! The blatant lies were flying non-stop. I wish the public could stop the meeting each time a lie was told and provide supporting evidence to counter their lies. "We were never invited." STOP - Here's the letter where you were personally invited. "We were excluded." STOP - Here's a list of all the public meetings, e-mails and letters where you were informed and chose not to participate. We better have a massive turnout this election cycle to get these liars off the city council!

Anonymous said...

Shanie pulled the race card to keep good legislation away from the public's input. Supposedly on the City website. Let's all go read it and be there for the next meeting!

Anonymous said...

Smith and Shields were disgusting.

For once I don't blame Ireton for letting them have it in public.

Kudos to Campbell and Cohen for their rational and civil discussion and effort to move things forward.

And Cohen, not Wilber, looked like the one with the law degree, once again.

Anonymous said...

Joe: I attended the City Council meeting last night. I do not live in the city, however, close-by. I was in shock at the conduct of the city council members among themselves. What terrible role models, God forbid if any young adults from our high schools had been there to see such displays of --- the word escapes me!! That council needs to all be voted off and start fresh... new faces with NO agendas for sure. I have been to several county council meetings and I thought they were bad, but OMG, last night was quite embarrassing. I have lived here my life (70 years). What a mess!!! We have lost our town as we knew it and everyone is afraid to step up to the plate and take it back. Get rid of those morons that are on that council!! We need people representing Salisbury with no agenda and only the voters interest on their minds. My son was considering a move back to Salisbury, my advise as a Mom...forget it... He saw on the internet a house on Walnut St. I laughed and then wanted to cry. He could forget that idea. I grew up on William Street in a lovely home, but I sure would never go back there again!! Newtown, ha! He won't be moving back to Salisbury! Nothing here for him anymore. P.S. At least they got rid of the Chief of Police. That was a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

9:25, have you ever tried to hold a conversation with an idiot? Then you know no matter how intelligent you are, you will be dragged down with them.

You damn the whole council but anytime the sane ones (Cohen and Campbell) try to move anything forward (like making William Street safe again), they are met with the worst tactics, slammed with insults, gavelled down and generally treated like dirt.

Agendas? Cohen and Campbell are trying to get Salisbury's streets safe! Ooooh, that's an awful agenda.

I'd like to know what exactly you found wrong with these women's conduct. Louise Smith demanded an input meeting before doing a work session. Cohen and Campbell get her an input meeting and Smith isn't satisfied. How many hoops will Smith require before we're all dead on the street?

I agree with you about Webster, but that sure wouldn't have happened if Debbie Campbell hadn't fought back against efforts to frame her for something that wasn't even a crime.

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day the sword gets more done than the pen.

Anonymous said...

i thought we would see another temper tantrum from the mayor when he started beating on the desk. instead after the meeting he started screaming at stu leer and waving a sheet of paper. it would be better than the circus except that its is our town and our money.
thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

I was there. The letter proved that Stu Leer was lying about the Mayor not responding to his requests to meet. How long are certain council members and the mayor, and now even members of the public, supposed to sit silently by while Louise Smith allows personal attacks in violation of her own rules of order? Last time it was accusations that campbell didn't have numbers on her house. I checked. They were right there on the front door.

Anonymous said...

Cohen & Campbell are Wonderful & truly care about this town. The rest should be committed!!!!