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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

KUHNER: Obama's Islamic Agenda

President Obama has revealed his true nature. After 20 months in the Oval Office, he still remained a largely unknown figure. A picture is coming into focus now, and it should trouble all Americans. It is widely known that Mr. Obama is a post-national progressive. Yet he is also a cultural Muslim who is promoting an anti-American, pro-Islamic agenda. This is the real meaning of his warm - and completely needless - embrace of the Ground Zero Mosque.

At an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan at the White House, Mr. Obama told Muslim-Americans that he supports the building of an Islamic community center and mosque just two blocks away from where the Twin Towers were destroyed and nearly 3,000 Americans were murdered on Sept. 11, 2001. He later tried to back away from those comments. Mr. Obama said he was defending the right of religious freedom but not the "wisdom" of erecting the mosque.

Nonetheless, Mr. Obama has been clear: In his view, the Ground Zero Mosque should be built. There was no good practical reason even to comment on the issue. He had been silent for weeks as the controversy gathered steam. The overwhelming majority of the American people oppose the mosque - especially the families of the Sept. 11 victims.

Politically, it is a loser - for him and his party. Yet he could not keep his mouth shut.

Why not?


Anonymous said...

If we use the same rational thinking about the religion "Muslims" follow, being to blame for the Twin Towers, then I think we should bulldoze our local Catholic Church, because of some of the Catholic Priests in the World have been involved in child abuse.. Makes sense to me, if thats the American way of thinking. Sad thing is, these folks forget why people came to this Country in the first place. To get away from people like them.

Unknown said...

How many soldiers have died or been wounded in Iraq freeing and now protecting Muslims?
If their faith is symbolic of or responsible for 911, why did W. not simply eradicate them?
The great right wing patriots have no idea what the USA is about,and their ignorance and fear is being used by Fox,Limbaugh and others to make money and gain power.

¿Yh8? said...

"All of us gathered tonight share a conviction that America must remain a welcoming and tolerant land, in which our people are free to practice any faith they choose. We reject every form of ethnic and religious discrimination. As I said in my second Inaugural Address, we cannot carry the message of freedom and the baggage of bigotry at the same time."
— Ramadan Speech, October 17, 2005 — George W. Bush