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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Louise Smith’s Lip Service Exposed

Everyone knows Louise Smith has an ego problem, seriously. All this whining about how she wasn't included in developing Mayor Jim Ireton's crime legislation, wah wah wah. She didn't mind when Barrie Tilghman would meet with her anointed ones, not a word. But that's not the point. Unlike Barrie's little operations where Gary Comegys would pull something out from under the table and slap it down for the first time right there on television, EVERYONE knew Ireton was working on this package, even if they didn't know the exact words, so playing dumb and innocent, Louise, is an act nobody's buying.

Louise Smith is playing the victim card just like Barrie did with the blogs. She's letting her ego and her "hurt feelings" get in the way of doing city business all the time. Grow up, Louise. With all due respect to her position, Louise Smith nonetheless displayed last night why she has no business being president of the Salisbury City Council.

The meeting was pretty much flying along when Terry Cohen made a “subsidiary motion” to get Ireton’s crime package on a work session agenda. I don’t care whether it was the right technical thing to do or not. It needed to be done!

If Terry Cohen made a mistake, she’ll admit it and apologize. But Louise Smith’s reaction was OVER THE TOP! Like I said in an earlier post, I was pacing as Louise dragged on and on fighting what she should have done in the first place – put this on a damn work session! That’s what a LEADER would have done, Louise!

Here you’ve got two members of city council, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen, giving Louise what she wanted – a public input meeting – and Louise can’t even meet them halfway in which you do what you do with legislation, getting it on the table. Unbelievable!!!!!

Louise talked and talked about public input, but here she is, discourageing it. She whines all the time about transparency, but did you folks out there catch what Debbie Campbell said? Louise Smith wouldn’t even support televising the public input meeting! Government in the sunshine, Louise? I don’t know what sun you’re using, but it’s not the same one the rest of us have.

Then there was Shanie Shields and her wall-sized race card. Oh, my God, and she calls me sick? Shanie, let me tell you something. Black people are not the only people to live in poverty. I know what it’s like to grow up “not having.” If you think “not having” means it’s okay for a parent to allow their child to deal drugs in their house, to get repeatedly arrested and tolerate that under their own roof, then you are EXACTLY what’s wrong with this country’s direction.

That attitude does NOT do the child any favors or the rest of the family either. Take a look around Salisbury, Shanie, it’s becoming a slum! What an insult to the honest poor of all colors to expect them to live in that and to call everyone who isn’t dirt poor a racist. Those may not be your exact words, Shanie, but I will guarantee you that for 95% of those listening last night, that’s what they heard. I’ll give Jim Ireton an “atta boy” for calling you out on playing the race card like a blackjack dealer last night.

I had to leave to cover another meeting before public comments got going, but I heard they were demanding this crime legislation get discussed, one way or the other. Maybe this is the turning point for Salisbury. I hope so and I personally have been pushing for more of you to get involved and take your city back. I can’t do it alone. Folks, next election you’ve got to get people like Louise Smith who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk out of office.

In fact, if Louise Smith was doing her job, she wouldn’t be trying to shut Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell up for trying to move legislation forward. She’d be gaveling Shanie Shields for Shanie’s constant personal attacks and calling everyone she disagrees with a racist.

Louise Smith, DO YOUR JOB! And for what it’s worth…



Anonymous said...

How did you like it when Leer likened the folks in attendance (who he thought supported the safe streets legislation) to Viet Kong terrorists? History is repeating itself. Prepare to see some people do anything to keep things (and profits) as they are now.

Anonymous said...

As usual Campbell has books and materials and Smith has NOTHING but a gavel.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else hear Smith, during public comments, mutter "I'VE HAD IT". She doesn't realize how sensitive those mics are. I heard it and I'll bet the audio record reflects this as well. My suggestion to her is if she has "had it" then she should do the city a favor and resign.

Anonymous said...

I loved how Cohen sent the overpaid city attorney running to the books to prove her wrong. LOL In the end he had to concede that she, once again, was absolutely right. Maybe she should send him a bill for legal research?

My verification word is "armed" to funny.

Anonymous said...

Was Stu Leer drunk last night? He sounded like it. To call the citizens NVA is ridiculous. He knows better than that. He also knows change is gonna come.

Anonymous said...

Louise Smith is pro- crime, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shields says she supports her district. Instead she's really dragging it even farther down and the whole city with it.
She actually promotes crime, criminals, harboring criminals, and the worst of the landlords.

Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo, please just retire and leave us alone. For the good of the city.

Anonymous said...

They all have egos, they all their "hidden" agendas and biases, some are just stupider than others, that's all.

Anonymous said...

Be real people! Does the mayor and his henchwomen think they are going to turn Salisbury back into Mayberry RFD? Business won't come near Salisbury now. The decent landlords are going to start pulling out also and those left will give the houses back to the banks. I'll bet the local banks -hebron, pnc, willards, delmarva, etc are shaking in thier shoes because the handwriting is on the wall! Ireton, Cohen and Campbell are going to destroy Salisbury

Anonymous said...

2:31 - what's Campbell or Cohen got "hidden"? They are doing what they campaigned on.

3:11 - another slumlord/Tilghmanite heard from. Same old sky is falling heard from that clan for over a decade, just different faces on occasion.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion Stu Leer had one to many last night...that is booze!

Anonymous said...

Salisbury slum city. Shanie slum queen with plenty of experience.

psychologicalnudity said...

3:11, are you insane! Crime has destroyed Salisbury and most businesses will not come near here because of it. You can not find a safe, affordable place to live in in this town. The mayor and the two councilwomen are at least making an attempt to change that. Smith and Shields are "stalemating" for the benefit of their benefactors(the landlords).
Both will have blood on their hands for every murder going forward!

Anonymous said...

That speaker was rught - no business that can go elsewhere would want to come to Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

So, 3:11, you share Shanie's hatred for Mayberry. Is there something wrong with aspiring to be a community where the citizens are law abiding, care for one anothers and where crime isn't an every day occurance? Don't get me wrong, I like an ethnically, culturally, and age diverse neighborhood, but there is nothing wrong with old fashioned neighborliness, public safety, and folks who can borrow a cup of sugar or share a cup of coffee. I say Mayberry with love, not disdain because of the neighborliness.

Anonymous said...

3:11 says "henchwomen"?

Sounds like Mike Dunn, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Joe. Captured last night well. Watching it I yelled at the TV.

Question: why is Louise Smith so sugary sweet to this Stew Leer guy? He comes up and says the same stuff over and over, meeting after meeting. He was rude and personal and Smith lets him do it and lets him go on forever.

Anonymous said...

Louise says she doesn't know how much the legislation cost. We know that she is the one on the council who signs or approves the checks. It looks like she's not paying much attention or lying again.

Anonymous said...

The cost of the legislation may be paid for by the Safe Streets grant of about $540,000.
The cost of doing business as usual and not doing anything: way too much.

This faux indignation of Smith's is just a ruse, a delaying tactic to allow the programs to fizzle. They won't. Once Campbell and Cohen have their open meeting on the 15th of September, there's going to be a lot of push from the public to get this show on the road.

Anonymous said...

Keep this front and center, Joe! This is a great public service. Manipulators, connivers, intimidators, obstructionists, special interests -- its a story to make the blood curdle! Soon as you flip on the lights, the cockroaches scatter!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
3:11 says "henchwomen"?

Sounds like Mike Dunn, LOL!

6:37 PM

Did anyone notice how WBOC had Mike Dumb and Lynn Catfart at the GOB today for an interview to attack the 2 "henchwomen" and Ireton.

Anonymous said...

Joe were you there when Shanie was going on about renters aren't the only ones committing crime. She said "Look at that doctor up in Delaware. And I don't even know if he was a home owner." WTH!! What did that have to do with that bill and the city of Salisbury. Louise was quick to tell Terri Cohen to stay on track, but never said anything to Shanie or that dirtball slumlord who called everyone terrorist.