UPDATE: The owner was located and the animals are returning home. Thanks everyone!
We had two small dogs show up on our porch in Nithsdale this afternoon. One small, black and tan female min-pin, and one small buff colored female of unknown breed.
The min-pin has been on the lam since Friday at least - I spotted her at the 90 degree stop sign on Pemberton and tried to grab her, but she ran away. The two are safe, fed and watered (the min-pin was VERY hungry). Don't know about long term care for the two, but they are no trouble for now.
My number is 443-880-7036, and my cell service at home is poor, but I check my voicemail often.
Jaime Duhe
The first dog pictured is a purebred Pomeranian-very sweet dogs. I hope you are able to find their owners. Please take care of them.
The buff colored one is a Tibetan Spaniel. I have one and these dogs are runners. Not far but just have fun. Hopefully the owners claim her soon.
Sorry 9:52, but the buff colored one is definitely a Pomeranian-the coloring on this particular one is Red Sable. I know this because we used to be breeders of Pomeranians.
To 9:52 - I might be wrong but they are similar because a Tibby is a mixture of Pekenese, Pom and Japanese Chin. And mine is a red also.
A Tibby looks more like a Pekingese; this dog is definitely a purebred Pomeranian.
Whatever they may be, I hope that they find their homes soon. They are both really sweet looking...
Theres a guy in my area with a pair of mini Poms who lets them just run wild and they go in the road and all.Too bad I cant bring them home where they would be loved and protected without a larceny charge.
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