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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

N.Y. Governor To Discuss Relocating Muslim Center

Paterson working with developers, plans to meet with Muslim officials this week

NEW YORK — New York Gov. David Paterson plans to discuss relocating a proposed Muslim cultural center and mosque to a less emotional location farther from New York City's "Ground Zero" site of the September 11 attacks.

"We are working with the developers," Paterson's spokeswoman Maggie McKeon said. "There have not been any formal discussions between the governor, the Imam or the developer.

However, we expect to have a meeting scheduled in the near future."

An aide to a U.S. congressman said that Paterson spoke by telephone with Rep. Peter King of New York and told him he would meet this week with Muslim officials to discuss the possibility of providing state funds to help the center find another location, the congressman's aide said.

King backs the idea but leaders of the Muslim center have previously insisted they were not interested in moving away from the site near "Ground Zero."

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

So now taxpayer dollars will go to the muslims to bribe them to another location?

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to separation of church and state. how about just say no.

Anonymous said...

they want to put up a monument to the spoils of war

Anonymous said...

Why the hell are we allowing them to blackmail us! We will never start on our way back to the top until we stop letting minorities tell us what to do. Any politician that bows to these heathens should be impeached, or at the very least voted out the first chance we get. Of course, how many union people will be on that job anyway? Think they'll sit by and watch it being built? I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

There is outrage of this mosque being built this close to the World Trade Center. It would be in the best interest of all parties to consider moving it elsewhere in NYC. If I was a Muslim who wanted to go to the mosque, I would certainly be afraid that someone could or would harm me. In everything that I have read, no one has even dared to address the safety of these individuals. I believe they have the right to have a mosque. I just don't believe that it should be there. By having them move to somewhere else in the city would be a better alternative for everyone.

Anonymous said...

For all of the "they should take not build it because I don't think it's right" crowd:

Where were you during the debates on flying the confederate flag, especially flying this flag on state capitol buildings? Oh yeah, you were screaming it's my right to fly it if I want to no matter what you think.

Anonymous said...

WE are at war, we can argue all day long about who the enemy is. Havent we done that before? The constitution needs amending in alot of areas, do you trust any the fools we have today to do it? Agenda???

Tom Leonard said...

I have never flown a confederate flag, but I could if I want to. NO ONE is saying they don't have the right. How simple a mind does it take to understand that it is WRONG to build here--not illegal--but wrong. And those who oppose it, because of their right to free speech, can damn it all they want. It doesn't have anything to do with the Consitution. All opponents are saying is use your heads. Common sense. You will not be safe here and you will inflame those around you. Some memories are etched in our brains forever, Sorry, but we won't be thinking about Muslim "rights" when the images of bodies and body parts slapping into the concrete overpowers them.

Anonymous said...

I know a good place for it...NOT in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"All opponents are saying is use your heads"

Wrong, many were seeking legal ways to stop it. The argument changed from a "right to build" to "I think its wrong" only AFTER they were reminded of the guys' right to build the mosque.

Forget the mosque. As long as American bullets are their way into terrorist chests and American bombs destroy their safe havens, they can build all they want.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:06-What in the hell has the confederate flag got to do with this? You make it obvious that you are a typical liberal-you can't argue on the merits or the facts, so you change the subject. If that is all you have to say, you should keep it to yourself.

Anonymous said...

7:21, sorry you had trouble following along.

The confederate flag, which to many is a symbol of oppression and tyranny towards an entire race of people, is still flown on gov. buildings and by citizens. This is offensive to many people, yet those who display it are perfectly in their rights to do so. They also sight the flag as being a symbol of something totally different.

Those against this mosque either say "these guys shouldn't have the right to build" (but they do) or shouldn't build because a segment of the population does not think that it is right. Many of these are the same conservatives who were full-throated in their defense of the right to wave the stars and bars as well as fly it on gov. buildings.

Is the hypocrisy clear now?

Anonymous said...

Hey, to all of the Mosque critics, if you dislike the freedom of religion afforded to you and every other citizen of this great country- feel free to move somewhere with less religious tolerance.

This issue is not about politics, or war or any other "fear" issue- This issue IS about the right of EVERY American to practice religion as he or she wishes or not at all.

But, if you insist on protesting this Mosque, also consider protesting catholic institutions near playgrounds, and christian churches near learning institutions.

Anonymous said...

8:21...said it before and i will say it are a sound so foolish with your bloated "intelligence"

Anonymous said...

Wooo, love those crazy ideaologues. 8:45, yes, don't dispute the facts. Just shout "Muslim" (as if thats an insult), and I'm the one who is supposed to be foolish. Well I guess I am for taking the time to respond.

Anonymous said...

Wow, " far less than tolerant" folks like 8:45AM make me realize why we need to have hate crime laws in this otherwise progressive society.

8:45- commenter 8:21 was perfectly clear- so if you don't have the capacity to understand the conversation, maybe you should try joining the discussion on a less philosophical topic- like one of the puppy adoption posts!

Anonymous said...

8:55 and 8:56...nice try sounding smart. As for hate crimes maybe we can use them on how muslim men treat their wives and daughters. Wanna talk about that? I bet not:) No one is more intolerant than muslims!

Anonymous said...

Sure, we could talk about that! Or we could talk about the systematic cover up of pedophilia in the Catholic church or the Christian American terrorists who kill doctors or blow up office buildings.

the point is, NO religion is free from valid criticism because of the actions of its radical or a-moral members but that is really not what THIS conversation is about.

This conversation is about whether or not a Mosque can be built near ground zero. the answer to that question is YES. Of course they can here in AMERICA.

Also, I just LOOOVE how "perceived intellect" is such a "bad thing" on this and other conservative leaning opinion blogs. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

11:40 Well maybe you think that this conversation is about whether it CAN be built but most Americans think that OUT OF RESPECT it SHOULD NOT be built. There is a difference between the two. With your self proclaimed intellect you should see that.