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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Democratic Sen. Reid: Build Mosque Elsewhere

The Senate's top Democrat on Monday came out against plans to build a mosque near the site of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, moving away from President Barack Obama on the controversial election-year issue.

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Anonymous said...

Why is this an election issue? There is nothing anyone running for office can do about this. Once again it just distracts from the real issues facing us. Typical BS. does anyone honestly think a Republican president would have said anything different?

Anonymous said...

The mosque should be built in their own country. How would they feel if we set up a baptist church in their country

Anonymous said...

10:11 It is part of what makes us Americans........we do things differently and fair.

Anonymous said...

Reid is a rubber stamp liberal who's time in Washington needs to end !

Anonymous said...

give credit where credit is due. reid has screw up EVERYTHING else hes talked about. this is a good thing. nothing but lip service probably, but little credit at least.

Anonymous said...

I don't give someone credit when I know they're lying .

Anonymous said...

He is just saying that because he sees which way the wind is blowing. What he says or thinks will not matter in a few more months.