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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Voters Say Take Action Against Sanctuary Cities

A majority of likely voters say the federal government should take legal action against cities that provide safe havens to illegal immigrants and cut federal funds to so-called "sanctuary cities," a Rasmussen Reports survey shows.

The survey, released Tuesday, said 54 percent support legal action against sanctuary cities and 60 percent support withholding federal funds from the jurisdictions.

Critics of sanctuary cities say the Justice Department is acting unfairly by not pursuing such cities for breaking the law while taking legal action against Arizona for instituting state measures against illegal immigration.

"The federal government should be suing San Francisco, which has refused to cooperate with the federal government in enforcing immigration laws," said Corey Stewart, chairman of the Prince William (Va.) County Board of County Supervisors.

In 2007, Mr. Stewart was at the forefront of the issue, driving some of the county's toughest immigration laws.

"Our belief is that President Obama should be suing mayors [of sanctuary cities], not Arizona," said Maryland state Delegate Patrick L. McDonough, Baltimore County Republican.

Mr. McDonough said he plans to introduce two immigration laws during the next General Assembly session: one that calls for a state ban on sanctuary cities and another patterned after the Arizona law.

Read more here


Unknown said...

The sanctuary city concept was developed to keep illegal aliens from being beaten, robbed, raped, and murdered without punishment for the perpetrator. These things happened and were not being reported because the illegals were afraid of being identified, even though they had been victimized. Legal Hispanic citizens pressured their elected officials to begin the policy of not asking for proof of citizenship when a crime was reported.

Concerned Retiree said...

Finally a MD Politian that understands the Voters. He should also introduce a Bill making ENGLISH the only language. This would save millions from MD's budget of having to put 2 languages on everything.

lmclain said...

Bill...that MAY have been the ORIGINAL concept for sancutary cities, but it blossomed into a "feel-good" "don't persecute the poor hapless hardworking illegal immigrants" policy, like the one in San Francisco. And I'm wondering--- how about we declare Salisbury a "sanctuary city" for federal taxes? How do you think THAT would work out??? When did any city or state have the right to say we are NOT going to enforce FEDERAL LAW and the federal government then said "OK, cool"???????????