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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dems Try To Campaign On Tea Party, GOP Link

With memories of last year's bitter town hall meetings still fresh, Democrats vowed on Wednesday to go on the offense during the August congressional recess and aggressively link Republicans with the conservative Tea Party movement.

Democratic leaders said the Republican Party had moved out of the mainstream to adopt Tea Party goals like privatizing the Social Security retirement program, extending tax breaks for the rich and abolishing some federal agencies.

They promised to paint November's election as a stark choice between moving ahead with a healthcare overhaul and tougher regulations on Wall Street, or backing a Republican Party that wants to repeal those initiatives.

"The Republican Party agenda has become the Tea Party agenda, and vice versa," Democratic Party Chairman Tim Kaine told reporters.

The Democrats have launched a website and advertisement detailing the "Republican Tea Party Contract on America," in a mock tribute to the "Contract with America" that helped Republicans sweep to power in Congress in 1994.

"As they attempt to re-brand and re-calibrate their election-year strategy yet again, Democrats forget that the problem isn't their message -- it's their big government policies," said Senator John Cornyn, chairman of the Republican Senate campaign committee.

Democratic Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz said House members had discussed their message for the August break but were not worried about more town hall difficulties.

"There actually wasn't any angst expressed in caucus meetings over that happening again," she said of the disruptions. "We've learned how to not let those who would drown out or desire to talk to our constituents from taking over a meeting."

[So they'll be bringing union thugs with them to the meetings again?-- Editor]



Anonymous said...

Chickens coming home to roost.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of CRAP!!! The democrats are done and they know it.......

Anonymous said...

What is crap 9:14 is the radical right wingnut agenda and the GOP hanger on's. They will pay a dear price for the flash in the pan support of these idiots.

Anonymous said...

9:56 There are plenty of Democrats in the TEA party and they are united in tax relief and stopping the wasteful spending of the government !

Anonymous said...

Who didn't know the Tea Party was just a wing of the GOP? Thats like saying the NAACP is squarely in the Dem. camp

Anonymous said...

Tea party is a group of Americans who believe they are "Taxed Enough Already" Do you all believe your paying the right amount of taxes or do you believe you should pay more or less than what your paying ?

Alex said...

TEA party is not a part of GOP???

Anonymous said...

Tea Party is part of the KKK.

Anonymous said...

11:25 why does the tea party run from the GOP label. Look at your stance on the issues and you will see that they follow the Rep. platform to a "Tea" (couldn't resist). There's nothing wrong with that, it's your view, but painting yourself as something different is dishonest.

Concerned Retiree said...

Again Dems cannot run on their record so they try and devert attention away from their special interest, unconstitutional voting record. Just because the TEA Party believes in common sense, fisical responsibility, term limits and lower taxes does not mean they are affiliated with one particular Party. We beleive in the Government is of the People and for the People. A lot of these comments shows the mentality of narrow minded people who wants something for nothing. They don't know the facts because they are followers.

Anonymous said...

12:20 And the NAACP is part of the Black Panthers. Geez you are a racist idiot.

Anonymous said...

12:24, how can you profess what the tea party stands for when they can't even solidly state what they are for. One faction wants low taxes. The other faction is ultraconservative, prolife, antigay. Put the two together and it smells alot like pachyderm to me.

Anonymous said...

What the Democratic Leadership doesn’t seem to understand is that the Tea Party isn’t a political party; it’s a set of ideas shared by the overwhelming majority of Americans.

The Tea Party is made up of Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Constitution Party members, and apolitical Americans.

They are mainstream folks who love our nation and who wish to see America return to policies of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and strictly adhere to our Constitution. After all, these are the fundamental principles of our founding and represent the character of America.

For the Democrats to portray these fundamental principles as radical and a hindrance to public policy shows just how far out of touch they are from the political pulse of this country.

Unknown said...

We will get out of our fiscal crisis by paying more taxes, cutting govt. services, and accepting a little inflation. The idea of cutting taxes is unrealistic to the point of being a fantasy.
The Bush tax cuts helped get us where we are now.

Anonymous said...


I don't know where to start with your stupid post.
"We will get out of our fiscal crisis by paying more taxes."

If by saying that you mean raising the tax rates, then that will only result in LOWER revenues to the government as the economy as damaged as it is will come to a screeching halt.
Inflation is inevitable as Obama is printing money like a idiot!
The ONLY way to fix this economy is DRASTIC cuts in the size of government, and more importantly, the FEDS getting out of the way of small businesses and investors!
OBAMA quit attacking business!