The Board of Public Works on Wednesday unanimously green-lighted work to begin on the $215 million first phase of a massive public-private partnership designed to revitalize central Baltimore, improve government office space and create jobs.
The revitalization of State Center project (rendering above) will give a boost to the ailing construction industry at a time when commercial development is hurting, and will cost state taxpayers little because of low interest rates and the risks borne by private developers.
Planning for the 28-acre area of outdated office buildings and surface parking lots next to Bolton Hill dates back to when Gov. Martin O’Malley, now chair of the Board of Public Works, was mayor of Baltimore.
GO HERE to read more.
Because we have plenty of money as is also evidenced by the building of the Salisbury University Empire
There is no recession
Everything is fine
Up is down
Speaking of public works... I was driving down Civic Ave between Old Ocean City Rd and Rt 50 this morning and to my surprise what did I see??? A County Street Cleaner!!
Now Rick Pollitt's "it's going to get worse before it gets better" and "there will be major cuts to roads and services" statements don't really make too much sense now, do they? The County isn't fixing pot holes but they are going to keep them clean so at least they are good looking pot holes!
This falls in the category of daily fiscal responsibility! Prioritize the money you do have to best service the citizens! What's more important to the Citizens-cleaning Civic Ave or fixing the pot holes on Beaglin Park Dr and Naylor Mill Rd? Now I know that Rick doesn't direct all the daily activities of each department, but he does have the authority to ask the public works director "why in the hell were you sweeping streets today?" That's like having a stain on your carpet and a leak coming from your second floor bathroom-if you had just enough money to do one or the other, would you hire a carpet cleaner or plumber first??
The timing on this couldn't be more perfect to me as I just got my tax bill in the mail this week. It makes me think more about how much I pay in taxes and how much of it is wasted on the daily basis! Election time is coming up and hopefully it will bring bunch of fresh faces with it and a lot of old faces gone...
Maybe if I'm lucky Jim Fineran will do a press release explaining why streat sweeping is more important than other things in the County, but that work require him to do his job so I won't hold my breathe. We need to street sweep his ass right out of the GOB!
Baltimore is not the only City in Maryland. MD Tax Payers, for years has been supporting Baltimore it is time to quit immediately. Baltimore only pays for Fire, Police, Sanitation and their City Council now everything else is paid by the State. Check job Classifications and locations before you say I am wrong. I am tired of supporting Baltimore when Ricky Boy is dieing to raise my taxes.
Hard to believe. MD is so out of whack its unbelievable. Just keep sticking the bill to the small businesses, they'll pay for it all!! MD is eventually going to get what it deserves when all the productive folks pack up and move to states where they can live and own businesses without the burden of the states boot on their throat!!
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