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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wicomico Council Says No to Night Meetings Again

Wicomico voters will have to continue to take off work if they want to watch their county government in action.  The Wicomico County Council again refused to hold at least one meeting peer month at night.

The vote was 3 – 3 (councilman John Cannon was absent due to the passing of his father).  Joe Holloway, Sheree Sample-Hughes, and Gail Bartkovich voted for the measure.  The resolution required 4 votes to pass.


Anonymous said...

The obviously need to reschedule that vote. Obviously it would have passed if all the council was present.

Anonymous said...

Stevie voted no? Whatever for?

J.Albero said...

Sorry Julie, I respectfully disagree. If Cannon was there, Houghs would have voted no. It's an election year and no one has signed up to run against Prettyman. My guess is she took the fall to make sure this thing failed and they agreed to let Houghs vote for it to save face. She was firmly against it all along and now she changed her mind. Interesting, to say the least.

Mardela said...

I want to know why Prettyman voted against. Why did she want this to fail? Politics? Let's stop playing politics and do what is right for our community!

Anonymous said...

You are probably right Joe. The games and the back room deals need to end! I was also told that MacLeod committed to voting for it yet we see what he did.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mardela,
There is no "playing politics". There is only politics. Politics is the method whereby the rich people get over on the working class people. Prettyman is obviously on the side of the rich.

There is no playing and there are no games. This is serious business. Keyword: business

Keep the people in the dark, make decsions for them because "we" know what is best.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing this up Joe.
Their transparency in desire for lack of transparency in governing tells all

Anonymous said...

it's not safe to be out after dark in salisbury.

Anonymous said...

The day meetings are so much better anyway. Not everyone works straight days.

Anonymous said...

MacLeod? What a waste. He brings absolutley nothing to the table. The only two that are keepers are Holloway and Barkovitch. They both are common sense people and do their homework. Prettyman, Brings slightly more to the table than MacLeod! I can't believe this is the best Wicomico County has to offer.

Anonymous said...

Ya, let's keep the ones that voted for night meetings. That's a real issue to hang your hat on.

Anonymous said...

3:34 then throw your hat in the ring if you are better than the sitting ones. Don't just complain, do something.

Anonymous said...

These people are going to do what they want. How convenient.

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that not only has the council effectively shut out the public but they have also prevented anyone who has a regular day job from ever consider running for office.

Anonymous said...

What happened at the budget work session. I just heard that Pollitt is going to raise some of the parks and rec. fees by more than 50% so Mackes has more money to spend.

Anonymous said...

What planet does Macleod return to after the meetings?

Anonymous said...

Mcleod's brain was zapped when he left the CIA. He can't think for himself.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on McLeod. He is a good guy but he is just too old to be making decisions for this county. He needs to enjoy his retirement. David, please stay home and enjoy your nice wife and family.

Anonymous said...

The Council made a good decision. They represent the people. We are in a Democratic Republic. If you disagree with the vote, then vote them out. It's my belief the majority of the folks in Wicomico County agree with the vote.

Now you complainers can return to you planets ---- not Earth. You complainers are the problem in the County. Didn't some of you vote for another layer of Government, while complaining Government is too big. Didn't you impose Revenue cap, and then run to the State Board of Ed. asking for waivers, which is similar to asking for more money. It's good that the State of Md. is smarter than the residents of Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

If Holloway had to produce credentials he wouldn't have been nominated. Same goes for Prettyman.

Anonymous said...

The three that voted for this are the ones playing politics. They are the three who are running again and playing right into your hand. The three who voted against this did the right thing. I see in the paper where one of them "vowed' to bring this back up.
How stupid of him. The majority of the citizens don't want night meetings. After a hard day at the office we want to stay home with our family. Sorry for the rest of you who don't have a life. You should get one.

Anonymous said...

Why does Jim Ireton hate you Americans for Prosperity people?

Anonymous said...

I overheard Prettyman telling people that she voted no for night meetings because they should be either day or night, not both. She's right make it one or the other.

Anonymous said...

9:56 pm Holloway wasn't nominate,dumb dumb...he was elected by the citizens. And by the way, let's see why YOU are so special. Who are you to judge. Let's see your credentials.

Anonymous said...'s obvious that you'd rather make ill informed commetns than actually pay attention. The council budget work sessions are ongoing and the council is meeting with County Department heads to get more information.

Regarding Park and Rec, the fees were increased so that parks were not closed and programs eliminated.And the fees will be paid by the people who use the parks and are in the opposed to simply raidng the general fund.The strategy was adopted after Parks and Rec held public hearings AT NIGHT and solicited input and ideas as to how the shortfall in funding could be addressed.

I find that refreshingly pragmatic.