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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Obamacare Kills 60 Hospitals , With 200 More On Life Support

Buried in the recently passed health-care reform bill is a new law granting one of the nation's largest corporate lobbyists what it has been targeting for years: Death to its competition, and, consequently, a heavy blow to patient choice.

Section 6001 of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is responsible for Obamacare's first casualties: a reported 60 physician-owned hospitals, which had promised to offer an innovative alternative to big, corporate and non-profit facilities, but under the new law are now "virtually destroyed," according to advocates. Another 200-plus doctor-owned hospitals already in existence may soon be put out of business by the health-care reform law.

To Molly Sandvig, executive director of Physician Hospitals of America, the move to cut doctor-owned hospitals out of the national health-care system is a foolish blow to both the industry and the patients it serves.

"The American people need more access, not less," she said in a statement. "We need high quality, efficient, patient-centered care, not more of the same high-cost, inefficient, bureaucratic-minded care. The impact of the health-care reform bill on physician-owned hospitals is truly illogical and unfortunate."

The new law is a victory, however, for the American Hospital Association, ranked by The Center for Responsive Politics as the sixth-biggest lobbyist presence in Washington, which has been trying for years to get government to squash the physician-owned hospital movement.

Ellen Pryga, director of policy at the AHA, told Investor's Business Daily, "The provision is a good one that will stem the tide of an entrepreneurial approach to medicine that is potentially fatal."

On the flip side, CEO Don Burman of the physician-owned Heartland Spine & Specialty Hospital in Overland Park, Kan., told the Kansas City Business Journal, "Because we have built a better mousetrap and because we have challenged the conventional wisdom, we are being punished."

Under Obamacare and in the name of "transparency," after Dec. 31 doctors will no longer be able to refer patients to hospitals in which they have a financial interest, or face being ruled ineligible to receive payments for Medicare and Medicaid patients. Only physician-owned hospitals already operating before the deadline will be allowed to continue.

Furthermore, even the existing hospitals will not be allowed to expand or add facilities except under extreme demographic circumstances that are nearly impossible to meet.

This means dozens of doctor-owned hospitals currently under construction across the country have completely wasted their efforts.

Dr. John Dietz, owner of the Indiana Orthopedic Hospital, for example, tells Investor's Business Daily that because of the new law, he now has a useless, empty building.

"It is an expansion of our hospital that is three-quarters finished; it had three operating rooms for outpatient surgery," he said. "Now it can't be used for that purpose. We'll have to figure out an alternative for it."

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Anonymous said...

As a capitalist society , the muslims have targeted 3 things:
Our economy 1st , our miltary 2nd and finally our health. Sadly enough ,they have been successful at all 3 so far. They new the liberal movement would support and help their cause . The issue with the military infiltration concerns me more than any of the 3. The commander and chief is a muslim!

Anonymous said...

Really? Since this new health care bill does not come into being until 2014, how is that possible?

Anonymous said...

8:50 your are correct Obamas main goal is to destroy the USA and he will succeed.

Anonymous said...

This post is FULL of misinformation. It's really no wonder we are a nation of idiots.

Anonymous said...

Eliminate the competition

Anonymous said...

big govt swallows everything

Anonymous said...

Go back to the days where hospitals were not money making businesses and we'll all be better off!
That's part of the problem, they're all now FOR PROFIT hospitals so they charge outrageous fees and rates and in the meantime bankrupt their patients, even those with insurance.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea what a nightmare is unfolding in this country. Hope all of you are pleased with your choice Obama supporters.