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Friday, May 28, 2010

O'Malley Family Has "Teachable Moment"

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and his wife, Katie, are coping with the same concern a lot of other parents have this time of year -- like what happens at graduation parties.

The O’Malleys' 18-year-old daughter, Tara, was hospitalized briefly Thursday night in Baltimore after attending a graduation celebration.

Tara O’Malley graduated Wednesday from Notre Dame Academy in Baltimore County.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Anyone else would of been arrested.

Anonymous said...

A police officer found her on the street? Where did all her friends go? Did they just leave her there? Wow glad they are not my friends.

Anonymous said...

Life lesson..Know your limits !!!!

Anonymous said...

3:52 not true... I had a "teachable moment" when my daughter was 18 and ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisening, the officers did not press charges and trust me when I tell you I do not have any connections, it was her one and only time that she was "caught drinking". She did learn her lesson and is now in college and is 21 and in our mom and daughter talks, she let's me know that she is responsible when it comes to alcohol, drinks very little because of the fear of what happened at 18... didn't mean to drag on, but my point is I believe most police put trust in the parent's to try to take the responsibility and the control of mistakes teenagers will make.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else and you would not have heard about it on this sleaze blog. Ever heard of respect for a family's privacy?

J.Albero said...

anonymous 5:05, Ever hear of JT, JR, TM, BB, SB and the rest of those Idiots. O'Malley is a public figure and the Daughter is of age. Get a life, he did. By the way, be sure to contact WBOC and the rest of the MSM as they now have it published as well. Man up and use you name next time too. Oh, that's right, you're not a man.

Anonymous said...

Whew, thank goodness it wasn't Sarah Palin's daughter, because surely that wouldn't have been a teachable moment.

Anonymous said...

Is this a teachable moment for the public?? or the family??...Why hide behind words.???.I understand the family wanting privacy..BUT come on..tell everyone she consumed too much alcohol at a party and teach everyone that even the rich popular people get this way and can die from alcohol poisoning....Dont hide from the facts..just because she is the governor's daughter..She is nothing special..We drag police officers thru the mud everyday when they get caught with alcohol violations..and we let that be why is she different..lets be equal across the board

Anonymous said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa..."she is nothing special." She's a human being and to her parents she is special. Comparing a kid who had no say in the parents' careers to a police officer with an alcohol violation is really bullsh*t. The O'Malleys have NEVER criticized other families for how they raise their kids, so before the Bristol Palin comparisons go crazy (and I feel sorry for Bristol), the difference is her mother constantly condemned other people for how they raised their kids.

It's news, sure. I don't know that I'd not come forward and say it was alcohol if it was, but let's be glad the kid is okay and is blessed to have a family that gives a Sh*t, unlike so many kids today.

Anonymous said...

I think you could say she found her "Happy Place"...isn't that the new slogan for Baltimore?

Anonymous said...

She partied too hard and the governors wife is attempting to play damage control. It boils down to PC B.S, just say she got drunk and put it out there. She wasn't ill because she ate bad shell fish she was drunk and apparently has chosen a really crappy group of friends if they left her laying on a street in B'more!

Anonymous said...

I'm appalled that she was unconscious laying on the streets of Baltimore! Where were her friends? If she walked out alone to her car she is lucky she didn't get raped, hit by a car, abducted and murdered, drowned in the harbour, die from alcohol poisoning, etc. Also lucky she did not get behind the wheel of a car and kill herself or others. Thank God she is ok and thank God for the police officer that found her. He may have saved her life! So sorry for the Governor and the first lady and their family. What a terrifying experience! It could happen to anyone's teenager so I won't condemn.