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Friday, May 28, 2010



"I just received the American Community Survey in the mail and this disturbs me. There are allot of questions on the survey that I feel are too personal; like how much is my mortgage on my home; what are total taxes paid on home; our total income during the past 12 months etc. I just don't see how this concerns the census! And to get my dander up even more it says that I HAVE TO fill it out as required by law (Title 13. U.S. Code, Sections 141 and 193) or they will impose a penalty for not responding! I was wondering what the public on your blog has to say about it."


Anonymous said...

typical tree huggin democrat! must be one of those people who whines about everything.

Anonymous said...

First they have to prove you actually received it and the chances of you actually being penalized are slim. But I will pay the penalty. I am not returning mine.

Anonymous said...

I got and returned my census. I filled out the # in household was all I filled out. They sent a worker to my house and wanted to come in. I refused to let them in. I also told them I filled it out with the # of people in the household and that was all they were getting since that is all the census requires. That the census was a way in counting US CITIZENS that live in an area for proper representation. I refused togo any further and they left after saying I will report to my Supervisor your response.

Anonymous said...

As someone who has returned the official US Census form--10 simple questions about the number of people living in your home--THIS IS NOT THE US CENSUS, rather, a scam designed to look like it.

Get informed people! Knowledge is power!

Anonymous said...

The law requires you to respond.

The law requires your privacy be protected.

The rest of the info on there tells you poverty level, ethnic make up of areas, etc. It helps for drawing up congressional and council districts for representation. It helps with fair distribution of funding. We have used census data to pick where we lived on our moves along with other market data.

This blog quotes stats revealed by the census.

Everybody hates the census I guess until they need to quote it.


Anonymous said...

You said it yourself....American Community Survey, not the CENSUS!! The census was basic information on the number and age of people living in your residence - took less than 5 minutes to complete. Take a deep breath, relax and recycle the survey you received. Plus, don't you know whether you have filled out your census form yet???

Anonymous said...

The government does not work FOR US. It works for the corporations who want this information.

We on the other hand, WORK FOR OUR GOVERNMENT.

As Bob Dylan said, You gotta' serve somebody.

Anonymous said...

that is not the census throw it away

Mike said...

First off, I am a U.S. Census employee so yes I know what I am talking about.

As everyone else has said, this survey IS NOT the Census. The Census was distributed and should have been received by April 1, 2010 (Census Day). The census is no longer being distributed by mail, and we are in the process of completing various follow up operations.

The survey you have received is not required by law, and also delves into far more personal information than the census does. The census asks name, gender, age, hispanic origin, race, and a couple of other questions about your status on census day.

Anonymous said...

Census workers are instructed to NOT enter a persons house.

photodoug said...

Can't figure out that it isn't the Census? Wow...wouldn't be such a bad thing if you weren't counted.

Anonymous said...

Is this the fake census form, sent by the republican national party, to raise money?

Mike said...

Census workers are instructed to use their discretion and be aware of their surroundings. Last week I had a lady grab me and pull me in to her house rather (scaring me sh**less) only to find out it was because her rottweiler in the backyard was about to make lunch out of me.

That aside, we never ASK to go into someone's house, 99% of my work is completed on someones front step.

To all the nay-sayers who doubt the legality and purpose of the census:

Yes it is required by law, although I cannot cite the specific section of the code at this moment.

Yes you are required to answer all of the questions. The race/ethnicity questions etc are used to determine funding for certain projects in a given area.

Yes if you refuse to complete our questionnaire we will be returning with different people until such a time as the questionnaire has been completed.

Anonymous said...

I bet the three cats that came here wont be returning, get them some new shorts as well.

Anonymous said...

why does the census ask name, race, income.

race should not be a factor in anything. does it matter if the money is given to a hispanic neighborhood over an asian one?

if the goverment wants to know income look at the irs

the only thing they should as is the number of people in the home

Chimera said...

Why cant the Census Bureau just "copy off" the IRS's paper and get the info there?For those who dont file taxes,check welfare or SS records!
I found the Census questions WAY too personal and will tell the rep so when they eventually make it out to my house..

Anonymous said...

I answered one question (there are three people living in my house) and sent it back. I have not heard anything since, but if I do, I plan to do exactly what 10:23 did.

Anonymous said...

blutojthetotmom said...
Why cant the Census Bureau just "copy off" the IRS's paper and get the info there?For those who dont file taxes,check welfare or SS records!
I found the Census questions WAY too personal and will tell the rep so when they eventually make it out to my house..

well if they dont pay taxes they dont deserved to be counted now do they. so just use the irs records.

Anonymous said...

I filled mine out and said I had 35 chinese people living in my shed. I also put that we had a black child who was biologically ours and we are both white. Screw with them, it makes life fun.

Anonymous said...

whats so hard about filling out a survey? if the govt was giving away free money then you people would be trying to cheat and fill out 2 of them probly,lol

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:45-the government IS giving away free money, but I don't get any because I am a white American who has a job and plays by the rules. It's my hard earned money that they are giving away.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:41, if you are implying that white Americans aren't on public assistance/welfare, there are more white Americans on it than other Americans. Empower yourself by actually researching something, anything!
Any American, no matter what race, if you play by the rules gets screwed buddy!

smitty240 said...

"Yes if you refuse to complete our questionnaire we will be returning with different people until such a time as the questionnaire has been completed."

SWAT team?

Anonymous said...

12:29 AM

more whites collect welfare (including social security program) than blacks. true.

12% of the population (blacks) collect 33% of benefits. true.

do the math.