Defending himself before House Republicans Friday, a sometimes-angry President Obama said he has already incorporated their ideas into his proposals and made it clear he doesn't think his administration is to blame for the lack of bipartisanship in Washington.
Mr. Obama, speaking to the House Republican caucus at their annual retreat in Baltimore, said he is not an ideologue and urged Republicans -- most of whom have voted against every major piece of his agenda -- to set aside politics and help him find common ground.
"I'm not suggesting we're going to agree on everything," Mr. Obama said. "But if the way these issues are being presented by Republicans is that this is some wild-eyed plot to impose huge government in every aspect of our lives, what happens is you guys then don't have a lot of room to negotiate with me."
Following his speech, Mr. Obama took several questions from lawmakers, including one from GOP Conference Chairman Mike Pence of Indiana, who asked whether the president would support across-the-board tax cuts. Mr. Obama said he could not back relief for the wealthiest individuals.
House Republicans presented Mr. Obama with a binder of proposals, which he promised to examine.
"When Democrats took control of Washington, House Republicans pledged to the American people that we would be the party of better solutions. House Republicans have kept our word," said Mr. Pence. "I urge the president to give our proposals the consideration they deserve, so we can begin the work that is necessary to fix our economy and get our fiscal house in order."
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Have you watched the full uncut video of this Q&A session? Of course you didn't Joe...
If you did, you would have seen the president stand up to the Republicans, he answered all of the questions honestly and called out the people making false accusations.
He outlined his position in no uncertain terms and defended himself against the rhetoric of the Republicans.
This is why he is the president!
He seems to always get his picture taken with the worst expressions on his face!
lmao..word verification was...bedaerb
I mentally added to myself the word "must" to get..must be da erb
bad pot maybe?
Obama evaded questions as he has always has done made disingenuous promises that Americans see right through . He is a one term President that seems to forget that it is his own party that has made his first year a complete failure !
I don't think that is a bad pot look. More like a bad gas look.
Obama is nothing more than a street hustler .
Obama is the most comfortable liar I've ever seen!
He can get in front of a group of people and orate bold faced lies without even a quiver
Obama should be Dictator of Haiti not President of the U.S.
you people are IDIOTS! haha
watch the full uncut video- President Obama tackles every question head on. He direct, forward about his outlook and gives everyone a chance to respond.
Even John Boehner said he did a great job on TV this morning, and went on to thank him for being able to answer questions honestly. (I think this was meet the press?)
You all hurl insults and call President Obama a liar but NONE of you have offered a shed of fact or evidence to back up you assertions.
Obama talks on camera face to face with you parties entire congressional delegation and none of you can offer up anything close to an intelligent response.
.... I'm not surprised... you are from the party of "No" after all...
1:38 I tried to post just his top ten lies but it took up too much space . Google Obamas top 50 lies . The laughter is in your face you pathetic kool aid drinking idiot !
His actions speak louder then his words . His own party has kept him from achieving his Marxist utopia yet he tries to blame the Republicans who don't have the votes to stop him . Can't wait for November Then maybe the impeachment trials will start next January !
When it comes to health care and Cap and trade damn right it's the party of NO ! The last 3 elections prove the majority of Americans agree !
1:50,are you talking about the SNOPES "Article". I think toe who know ANYTHING about citing facts to support a claim know that snopes and wikipedia are not even close to a reliable "source".
furthermore I was asking you to provide specific examples from the Q&A of his lying. Since its clear you need help with your homework- that means you make a claim, and support it with FACTS or EVIDENCE to prove his statement is a lie.
I wont hold my breath.... haha
1:53- WHAT ACTIONS?! again unsubstantiated claims- not basis, just rhetoric.
PS- a majority of Americans blame the republicans for the lack of progress over the past year, allow me to back that up with an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll-
2:16 If the American people blamed the Republicans then are you saying they elected Republicans in the last three elections to teach Republicans a lesson "? You have NO logic in your position . As for the Q&A no one said he lied that day, In fact he didn't directly answer or explain anything he was the one on attack apparently the last 3 elections didn't teach him anything or he refuses to back off from the "Rules For Radicals" by Sol Solinsky plan .
What does a poll have to do with anything. That poll just illustrates the bias in the media.
The Democrats have a super majority. The republicans can't stop anything.
If there is gridlock in Washington it's because of Democrat infighting and you know it!
Quit blaming the republicans for Obama being so out of touch with America.
Obama got elected by special interests and that's is where his focus has been for a year now.
Real America doesn't matter to the marxist-in-chief.
2:47, try reading the article/link before responding. I am referring to the results of the poll. The American people are just tired of the Republican obstructionist mentality. You cant compare a national poll to 3 interim elections. Apples and oranges my friend.
And BTW, we mush have watched different Q&A sessions. The one I watched- He would take a full question from a republican and answer it fully- then give the rep a chance to accept his answer. To say he didn't answer or explain anything is outright BS- even your OWN PARTY said he did a great job addressing their questions...
if your a piece of sh%t,he'll call you out . bottom line.minority is a very frustrated party.they are not real conservatives.real conservatives know who you are.they are not concerned with the status quo.there are such things as poor conservative republicans.dont let health care issues slip by the waistside.multitask.
3:32 Your poll is suspect , When the voters in Massachusetts in a poll said they don't want health care that has nothing to do with Republicans ! But that's OK Obuma didn't get the message either so more seats will be picked up in November and 2012 he's gone ! You can read the tea leaves in your poll but the only pole your going to receive is from the Democrat / Socialist party up the AZZ ! Try doing your home work NAZI !
8:18 your childish response is laughable.
How is the NBC/WSJ poll suspect? Care to back that claim up with a reason or even some facts?! No- I didn't think so...
At least you showed us all your blistering intellect by ending your comment with both a "azz" rape AND Nazi reference! The other kids in your middle school class must think you're so cool.
8:37 The voters of NJ VA and MASS backed my claim are you living in denial ? Your a typical left wing loon finding a liberal poll and hiding behind it ! Your a joke and out of touch and Your argument is hysterical aimless and flailing just like your leader !
The voters in those states elected new state officials. If you want to say that is was a referendum on our president- go right ahead- but you literally CAN'T back up that claim with supporting facts- its your opinion AT BEST.
I really don't know how to make this ANY clearer- this discussion/thread is about the Obama Q&A session with republican congressional members. When I mentioned the poll it was to back up my claim related to that specific topic. Nobody by way of any election "backed your claim" you cant even substantiate it yourself!
Instead of addressing my assertions or backing up your claims, you take the easy/low road by refusing to address them and regress into your childish name calling.
I have not name called ONCE in this conversation. You have stooped that low EVERY TIME YOU POST. It shows everyone that you can make a claim but you dont have anything but insults to back it up!
Learn to build a valid argument. Do some reading maybe try being less insulting when you are arguing your point and people will take you seriously. Most importantly- GROW UP!
The voters back it up I can't believe how stupid you are but don't let the election results get in the way of your illogical argument .2010 will be a great year Republicans and you will left holding on to your poll schrilling " My poll says it's the republicans fault " good luck with that and I hope you get the help you need or better medication ! HAHA
9:30 Poor little Saul Alinsky getting beat up on the blogs by a middle school-er ! Liberals flailing in the wind !
10:01 I honestly don't even understand your response- fragmented and run on sentences, dis-jointed thought pattern ... look just re-read my last comment (@9:30) and try again.... you will get the hang of debate someday.
I think they teach it in high school so study hard!
11:42- i don't get your Saul reference and since I'm literally laughing at this guy's feeble attempt to hold a debate, I'd say I'm hardly "flailing in the wind".
Still thank you for agreeing with my assertions that he sounds like a middle school kid.
12:49 Trying a new tactic ? Like sounding calm and above it all . You have made no point on this blog , other than desperately clinging to an irrelevant poll . Your debating skills are limited as you've not thought through your argument and have been reduced to name calling and spell checking. Which is always a white flag from radicals who can never intelligently debate their point . So enjoy the rest of your day in Mom's basement and maybe tomorrow you can find a job ! How's that hope n change thingy workin out for ya ?
12:49 I have reread the comments on here trying to follow the threads. I agree with the guy who says the voters have rejected Obama's policies . Not sure how you can argue they didn't . This is not an attack so don't fly off on me too ! ...lol
1:18- :P
1:20- I can answer that- they were STATE elections. Wait was one of the candidates running Obama himself? No? ok didn't think so...
1:40 Umm der ! All three were seats held by Democrats and 3 people from no where beat them one race in the liberal hub of Massachusetts where the health care was named for the seats predecessor . Not to mention it was reported the night of the election from focus groups that the reason they voted against the incumbent was that they were against Obama's health care and government spending . I guess Obama had nothing to do with either of those !
Just because you might be the majority on this blog does not make you the american majority. I wish that you would realize that! You stand no chance of beating Obama in the next election. None, zero, zip so get use to it.
4:10 You can live in denial all you want this is the most unpopular President in a first year in history . Even Democrats don't deny that they're in trouble that's why a lot of them are retiring instead of running . Why are they so scared ? Because they supported Obama's health care and Cap and trade along with gross spending . If Obama doesn't change his radical take over he's toast ! You and Obama seem to be the only ones who can't see it . No surprise again denial !
Republicans won Massachusetts not because they love Republicans but because Obama is forcing his radical agenda on people ! Nobody wants health care and cap and trade they want jobs and Obama said he could deliver but he is wrong !
4:44 actually George W bush is so far the most unpopular in history, I would say Nixon could be a close second.(going by #'s)
since Obama is our CURRENT president and is only ONE YEAR into his FIRST term- you literally cant say they he is the least popular- unless you just stepped out of a time machine to write that... hahaha
What we need to do is forge a brand new party from within the Republicans- leave all the RINO's out- challenge current republicans, no matter how valuable, if they are not conservative enough.
I'll vote for Obama before I vote for a Palin or someone just as wimpy.
This GOP used to stand for something- If the GOP purists refuse to form the Tea Party Party in the next election then I'm going to vote for whatever Dem is running just to spite the RINOs.
Obama is a Progressive just like Hitler, Mao Tse-Tung ,"Che" Guevara were. What they're planning for this country is not a friend of freedom !
5:06- I cant even believe you wrote that~! hahaha
I'm so glad you're not a Democrat... the Republicans always get the real crazies.
"ok- now back to the bunker with you"
Yeah like Saul Alinski and Reverend Wright ,Louis Farrakhan ,William Ayers ,Bernardine Rae Dohrn ,Rashid Khalidi ,Father Michael Pfleger ,George Soros ,Tony Rezko not to mention ACORN all friends and associates of Obama the most radical President we have ever had !
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