Folks, I was sitting in my Office when I heard the sound of a large tractor. I thought to myself, that's not the state plowing, I wonder if our local Farmers are out there clearing the roadway for us.
Well, you know me, I grabbed my camera and looked out the front window to see if it was out in the road. I could hear it but I couldn't see it.
Well, to my absolute amazement I went to the front door, opened it, the next thing I knew there was someone in our driveway clearing a way for us to get out.I tried to stop him just to ask who he was and thank him but he kept his door closed, waved and simply went on his way.
So to our very special hero friend, Thank You and God Bless You. I told you Folks, there's no better place on earth than Delmar, DE.
Looks like you have a fan Joe!
Just in general, there are very kind, nice, intelligent folk all over Delmarva. We need to see more of this kind of reporting, it's not just uplifting, it's contagious.
This happened to us today too - & we live in Willards. A mystery person did our driveway & left before we knew what hit us - no chance to say anything or offer money! We live on Old Ocean City Rd. Nothing like that has ever happened to me, anywhere I've lived. Amazing.
Farmers are the BEST!!! Our son is out opening driveways as I write this. Try and convince the "treehuggers" how good we are. Thanks for sharing this with the community.
We live in gunby's mill,no mystery person,no tractor.
Maybe he was sent by a Gaurdian Angel.
1:55 Make that a special Christmas Angel
Send him my way.... I will be more than grateful... Whaleys Rd.
Joe! Another guardian angel came and helped me clear the harder, deep side of my driveway for the non-4WD truck my daughter drives. I was out at the road shoveling the heavier stuff away when he drove up and helped me out.
Luckily, I got his name, he wouldn't take any $$ and I have video. I'll have it up later.
Just more 'kindness' in action.
Bless you Lee!
our neighbor did our driveway after watching us struggle to get into it this morning..and we barely know him! Thank you kind neighbor in Fruitland!
Joe: My friend moved down to the Trap Pond area about 12 years ago when she was 70 years old. To pick up and move from Mass. when you have lived there all of your life must have been very hard to do, but she thought it would be warmer here with an early spring, which of course is the case. On a very limited income, she thought she would be able to live a better life. She has never looked back. The people in her area look out for her and she thanks God every day she came to Delaware where the people are so very caring. I am sure you will find people like that in lots of places and especially Delmarva, but frankly, we are special people I do believe. I always remember my grandmother saying treat people like you would want them to treat you!! It works!!
Had an old farm tractor with a blade on the back and a spotlight ride through our neighborhood (Mt. Hermon Manor) last night after dark and plow the roads. Hadn't seen a snow plow before then and didn't until late this morning. Thanks to the anonymous farmer!
Our neighbor came over done our driveway this morning also, As well as the two houses on either side of us. He doesn't even have a big fancy tractor , just a JD riding mower with a blade on the front that he has to manually raise and lower. You can't ask for more than that.
More Delmar DE kindness here! These farmers are the BEST...I was out digging a path for our pug, and saw 2 different farmers on tractors plowing out the Robin Hood Road/Oak Branch Road area! AMAZING. The people of Delmarva make me smile almost everyday--and we are NOT from here! What a VERY special place to live! THANK YOU!!!
Wow....another farmer with a Bobcat on Robin Hood Road right now! We will be looking better than the State Roads soon!
1:22, Oh boo-hoo - that's why they made snow shovels. Had several people on our street offering to shovel for us.
I was out shoveling my driveway this morning and knew it would take me several attempts when along came a neighbor from the end of my street to help me. I don't even know his name. It was much appreciated. There are a lot of good caring people out there. Thank God for all the kindnesses.
1:22 someone was in gunbys mill clearing driveways for free. he would not clear a driveway without the owners permission. i think he did about 50% of the homes. also some were shoveled before the tractor arrived.
I live on Old OC in Pittsville with a long long driveway. I worked all afternoon with a shovel trying to make a path for my car to get out. The whole time a bobcat was across the street at Carter's Electric - I think suspect they were laughing at me - Old overweight female with a shovel. It will be a week before I reach the end of the driveway!
Please remember that the folks out there clearing everyone's drive for free are the same ones that get cursed at for slowing down traffic or smelling up your neighborhood when they spread manure. All we ask is that you return the favor by slowing down and letting us do our job this spring.
By the way 3:28 (Mt Hermon Manor) - You are certainly welcome.
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