Help-wanted ads are appearing on Craigslist that offer to pay citizens $24,000 a year, plus health insurance, to "counter the hysteria and lies of Glenn Beck and other talking heads" and "stop the tea-baggers!"
The ads are being posted by Grassroots Campaigns, a for-profit canvassing group that has performed services for the Democratic National Committee and Its postings can be found among Craiglist listings in Chicago, Ill.; San Francisco, Calif.; Boston, Mass.; Philadelphia, Penn. and Austin, Texas.
"Whose agenda will win in 2010?" the ad asks. "You decide."

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This is very interesting. However it is not surprising that millions spend their own money supporting the causes of Glenn Beck and others in the tea party movement and the opposition has to pay workers to oppose.
Another attempt by the democrat / socialist party to silence the voice of American citizens !
Hardly grass roots
12:30 If your talking about the Tea party your pathetic !
No I'm talking about this group
Grassroots Campaigns
Kind of an oxymoron
1:03 I totally agree with you .I'm surprised the democrats aren't having better luck in Afghanistan. If they bribed half as much there as they do here we would have all ready won .
2:19 Exactly but the Democrats have more experience in bribery . That seems to be the only thing they're successful at !
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