A House Militia, Police and Public Safety subcommittee voted 4-1 Thursday to kill Democratic Del. Jennifer McClellan's bill to close the so-called gun-show loophole, where private sellers are not required to perform checks. The House has killed the bills for several years.
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
(Unfortunately, there are also no required checks for PMS, but I digress.. --editor)
This is very upsetting , especially given the VA Tech shouting . To the editor PMS does not kill -it just wants to !!
PMS does kill. It kills your sex life.
Only for a week - if it lasts longer that is not called PMS -get a lawyer !!!
Actually most women have the highest urge for sex during their mense. It's the progesterone kicking in. It's a mixed bag. S&M.
What is wrong with background checks? If you have nothing to hide there is no problem.
Good job, VA!
The so-called gun-show loophole isn't a loophole at all.
Most of the gun laws in this country are unconsitutional.
What part of
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..."
The word "regulated" at the time the constitution was drafted meant "regular"
Momma is hot.
that model 94 will get ur done !
12:44 is right. Every gun control law in the U.S. is technically unconstitutional. In the case of DC vs. Heller the SCOTUS just affirmed that the right to keep and bear arms is an INDIVIDUAL right.
Webters defines "Infringe":
"to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another"
Therefore any licensing, permits, or other requirements, are on their faces, unconstitutional. The language is clear. We can't depend on the federal government to defend our constitutional rights because they are beholden to special interest groups for campaign donations
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