Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele lashed out at critics Thursday after some prominent Republicans reportedly questioned his leadership of the party and accused Steele of focusing more on his own image than on rebuilding the GOP.
"I tell them to get a life," Steele told ABC News Radio in an interview Thursday. "I'm looking them in the eye and say, 'I've had enough of it. If you don't want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way.'"
Steele apparently was responding in part to a Thursday report in the Washington Times that quotes some GOP operatives as saying they plan to withhold donations from the RNC because they are unhappy with Steele's leadership. In the story, Republican critics accused Steele of spending too much time promoting his new book, "Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the Obama Agenda," and giving paid speeches around the country.
Steele told ABC he would grade himself a "solid B" in his first year as chairman, saying he helped the party raise $80 million, win governor's races in New Jersey and Virginia and launch a new Web site.
"A 'B' is not bad," Steele said. "I can do better."
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Anyone who's ever seen or heard this guy would probably agree that he's only there to serve himself...and if his party benefits along the way so much the better. This is not just my observation, but the opinion of all the Republicans I've spoken with. What seemed like a good idea when he was chosen now looks like a (racially based) mistake.
Oops. Better luck next time.k
OK anonymous 9:35, I have seen and heard him. In fact, I know Michael personally and while your comment was entertaining, you couldn't be any further from the truth.
Now you've spoken with ANOTHER Republican and this Republican flat out says, YOU'RE FULL OF SH!T.
Michael Steele is the Rebublican Party's only hope. The once great party is being hijacked by twisted intolerant thinkers without a moral compass. Without numbers, (big tent) the party is doomed to oblivion and the country will see Democratic leadership for many decades to come.
While I am a democrat, I would have to agree that Michael Steele is the best think that happenned to GOP since Ronald Reagan.
Mr. Steele attracts young people and that is exactly what the party need to have chance in 2010
He suppots the true values of the Republican party. I voted for him for Senate. He is good for the party and we must keep him there. Stop judging every little part of someone and actually shut up and listen to the things he says....they make sense and are good American ideals that we have somehow strayed away from. No on was actually listening to what Obama was saying...he was elected because of skin color, he really had nothing to say nor anything to bring to the table. And talk about a book? How many does Obama have out?
9:35 probably works at the White House.. I think they have a big (taxpayer-funded) staff that do nothing but surf the net and post BS comments on conservative blogs in response to valid arguments.
9:58 is full of it, too, for other reasons.
'twisted, intolerant.. big tent'-- lefty BS.
It will be interesting to see the show over the next 10 months, as the lefties try to belittle and degrade the conservative movement with their name-calling tantrums.
But like Mike Pence said-- "The American people know the difference between right and wrong.."
Tsunami alert...
I like Steele. He is very smart and articulate. Being a black man with these kind of attributes is so against the democrat way it drives them nuts. The same way Palin drives them crazy.
It just seems a bit disingenuous that the GOP selects it's first black chairman the same year Obama wins. Kind of like McCain finding him a woman in order to capitalize on the demoralized Hillary supporters. And Steele has to do more than use words like "dawg" to attract young voters to the party. It's kind of insulting.
-28 y/o black man
Sorry but the Republican's have put black people in prestigious positions well before the Democrats did. Can you say Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. Paleeze
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