Military Base On Lockdown
At least seven people are dead and about a dozen others injured following a shooting at the Fort Hood Military Base in Texas.
One gunman is in custody and another is at large. The military base has been locked down. Nearby school districts have also been locked down.
More to come.
Domestic Terrorists.
The government should listen in on all of our phone calls, read our emails, search our bodies, and test our blood and saliva for any evidence at all that we too might be planning, thinking or even dreaming about some sort of "terror" activity.
OMG, this is terrible! I hope this is not a case of our poor war vets trying to deal with PTSD.
Its over a woman I bet and is domestic violence not terrorism at all.
12 soldiers dead 31 soldiers or civilians injuried and you people continue to make jokes. All of you are a disgrace. I can not believe you people.
I have a friend who is stationed at Fort Hood. I just got off the phone with her. She lives on base and cannot get home at present. She couldn't tell me much other then they were okay because she had her friend and her young daughter with her. But she will call me back later with what is going on (she didn't want to scare the little girl that is in the car with her.) will give you an update as soon as I get one.
I didnt make a joke, I just said I bet its a ousted partner,lover,husband. Dont lump me in I dont like it.
The shooter that was killed was a soldier.
This is equivalent to the fire house burning down or he police station being robbed. I don't know what this country is going to do with a military that is such a joke.
The shooter was in a military uniform. My daughter just called and said they have captured 3 shooters. They think they have them all but are still on lockdown.
With all the weapons being carried at Fort Hood this guy could kill or wound 42 with a handgun before he was brought down. So all you folks who want to carry for your own protection, tell me how that works if our best trained soldiers can't do it.
Anon 3:50 PM you are a stupid liberal moron. You better believe this country needs to be more suspicious of who we let in this country. It is a known fact that terrorist have infiltrated our armed forces. You idiots have even allowed terrorists to infiltrate our White House.
Many that comment on this blog are insane. God's speed to those that lost their lives today.
Just another terror attack in the United States. I wonder if the main stream media are going to report that the man was an officer AND a converted muslim.
Check your facts.
Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan was the name of the shooter yet it has nothing to do with the jihad
Told ya it was a bitch.
The shooter was a mental health professional in the Army and has a Muslim name. What is being witheld?Let's see. Muslim runs over daughter for being too American H Rap Brown Muslim follower in violent shootout in Dearborn MI. Do you think the media will admit Muslims are like pit bulls. You never know when one is going to turn violent.
Re:6:25--Baloney! Someone we know worked with this psychiatrist in Bethesda, MD and all they noticed about him was his constant talk about his "arab" culture. Plus, he seemed "dumb" and his co-workers wondered how he had gotten through medical school...
Very few weapons are carried around Fort Hood. Weapons are stored at the armory and as a general rule aren't seen in most areas. Please have all the information before making yourself sound mildly retarded (5:41PM). Concealed carry by responsible citizens can and would have helped in this kind of situation.
muslim terrorist
5:47 You are calling the President a terrorist? You are an idiot that has absolutely no idea what he or she is talking about. I really hate that wordly citizens associate me with the stupidty that spews from the mouths of your's and those as idiotic as yourself. I guarantee I could debate you under the table on any current event. Trouble is Republcians exploit the stupidity of you and those like yourself...
do they have any names? my cousin is over in TX but I don't know exactly where. =(
7:41- well if it smells like a dog, walks like a dog, barks like a dog....
The only thing I can tell from that rambling mess you wrote is that you're totally delusional. Just calm down or your mommy will have to come down in the basement and turn on your nightlight.
"The gunman, identified as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was wounded multiple times at the scene but was captured alive and was in stable condition, Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone, commanding general of the Army’s III Corps, said at a press conference late Thursday."
"We are trying to make sense of all this," Nader Hasan said. "He wasn't even someone who enjoyed going to the firing range."
He said his cousin, who was born and raised in Virginia and graduated from Virginia Tech University, turned against the wars after hearing the stories of those who came back from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Nader Hasan said his cousin, who was raised a Muslim, wanted to go into the military against his parent's wishes — but was taunted by others after the terror attacks of Sept. 11.
I think theres a lot more to come of this story.... I wonder if the truth will ever be released. Look how things how were first reported and how it is being reported now. First he was dead now he's alive and stable.....
We will never know the truth. You think Salisbury government is bad?! Whew! You obviously have NO idea what really goes on with the real government!
More than likely there is a whole story that will never be revealed.
do you people even read the articles before you open your pie holes?
To all the Obama Loving Morons, 3:50 PM, 6:25 PM, 7:41 PM, Chuck, Liarton, etc.
Another soldier has died and see below. Your Obama ran government failed those innocent victims. This was an attack on America and you people are a part of the problem because of your liberal ways. 3:50 PM your snide joke remark is sickening. This country needs to close its damn borders and seriously investigation all government officials with a Muslim name, starting with your president!!
Breaking News
Sources: Authorities Had Concerns About Suspect
Federal law enforcement officials say the suspected Fort Hood, Texas, shooter
had come to their attention at least six months ago because of Internet
postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats.
MORE DETAILS: www.wbaltv.com/tu/5L4tRv7CZ.html
Did you see Obama's comment ? He talk for two minutes and gave a ghetto shout out before even saying something about the shooting ! What an idiot !
Someone dropped the ball on this muslim terrorist since he was showing signs way before the shooting ever happened.
Anonymous said...
Did you see Obama's comment ? He talk for two minutes and gave a ghetto shout out before even saying something about the shooting ! What an idiot !
6:35 AM
Does anyone have the link or a you tube?
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