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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Complete BS!

"I took an oath over 10 years ago, and I will not waiver from that oath while I am still chief of police. I will continue to uphold the law and lead the men and women of the Salisbury Police Department to reduce crime as we did in 2007 and 2008."

Crime has gone UP, not down Chiefy. We have proven it year after year. You can try to play with numbers all you want but this is complete BS.

You took an oath, please! Mr. I didn't see anything, as witnesses stated one after the other in Court that Webster "yanked Casey Tilghman, (daughter of former Mayor Barrie Tilghman) off of Rachel Polk" in a physical altercation after a City Council Meeting. Polk achieved a Peace Order against Tilghman. In fact, the Judge stated, of course you're going to get your Peace Order. If you can't trust your own Chief of Police, who can you trust.

Then of course there's the lawsuit Webster filed against me stating he was a resident of one County, yet he resided in another County. As far as I'm concerned Chief Webster, your oath is one of convenience. Whenever it seems to fit your Police Officer image, you use it as if we're supposed to believe it.

Mark McIver, who heads the Chamber of Commerce Crime Task Force has delivered hard evidence showing Part 1 crimes, (murder, rape, etc.) is way up in the City of Salisbury. Salisbury News has delivered the facts two years in a row and the information comes directly from the FBI.

Folks, wait until my Show airs this Saturday. A good portion of the Show is based on Chief Webster and Barrie Tilghman. This recent flood of lawsuit news will bring this Show right over the top because I challenge and tackle these exact issues/people. Comcast won't even have a meter big enough to see just how many people are watching this Show!

OK, besides all that. Here's my thoughts on the Webster BS Lawsuit. I believe old Chiefy is doing this for one reason only. He's trying to bring a 12 year old case back to light and get this information brought into evidence against Councilwoman Debbie Campbell. Chiefy knows he's outta here and before he goes he's going to do anything and everything to bring down Debbie.

Davis Ruark already passed on his "opinion" on the 12 year old case and there is NO CRIME and it's past its statute of limitation, DROP IT! Webster lost out big time there, so why not sue everyone and bring this information back publicly in an attempt to bash a woman who has proven to make the Chief and former Mayor look like crap. And how did she make them look like crap, she told the truth.

Remember Folks, these are people who claim crime is down, the WWTP was 99.9% compliant and they take full responsibility. PLEASE! I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.

Put Webster on Administrative Leave and get this drama queen out of the way and let's start fighting crime.


Anonymous said...

You just gotta love Joe for he puts the facts out there. I live in the county but I am ashamed of the city and their behavior. They seem to want the fame and pay but forget to really do their job to get it. If I were Webster, I would bow out now cause the inevitable is coming and won't look good on a resume'. And as far as The threesome on the city council are a disgrace! I thought people in that position should have intelligence to make their own decisions but the three together come up with the wrong decisions everytime. Folks next election I hope you remember this and get all three out of there!!

Anonymous said...

Joe, can you find some information about why 7 sheriff cars came speeding, sirens blaring, into Bennett High this morning at 7:50am? One guy was seen coming out in handcuffs.

Anonymous said...

BS according to Joe. Do you not know crime is up everywhere and that Salisbury's Chief of Police is not the only Chief of Police in Maryland who does not reside in the county of employment. Perhaps the Council should have made it a requirement many years ago. Put the blame where it belongs and stop harping about it. Wonder who will win first, you trying to bring down Webster or, as you put it, (and I don't believe is true) Webster trying to bring down Debbie? Do hope you are not disappointed in low ratings on Saturday's show. Most working people have too full of a weekend to waste time watching the same old crap from you on Webster/Tilghman.

Anonymous said...

Do you think this imbecile actually beleives his lies?? If so we need a serious evaluation of his "mental" stability.

Anonymous said...

Webster will do anything to keep the cash cow that he got thanks to Barrie Tilghman, who aided and abetted the money flow from City taxpayers to the Chiefy for doing nothing to help the City of Salisbury all those years. Now he's facing a threat to his financial future and figures that that best defense is to go on offense.

Salisbury residents should go to the next City Council meeting and tell the three stooges on that body that "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH."

Anonymous said...

We don't need a "Kojak cop" in Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

why put webster on administrative leave? paid vacation? hell no. keep him in until he goes does down. he doesnt need a paid vacation. this guy has more issues than a soap. he is bringing a negative image and unwanted attention to the PD. he doesnt help any of his officers. he doesnt give any speaches. he wont even talk to his officers. does he even know where the roll call room is? gotta go webster. fire him for a non diciplinary action to make it legal and has no leg to stand on.

Anonymous said...

10:26 I'll record it if I find myself too busy. If youhave a problem, click on the X in the right corner.

Anonymous said...

Just be glad he's not the Public Works director.

Anonymous said...

How can he possibly STILL be on the job? He must have something on somebody important, is all I can think of. Otherwise he'd be gone. What could it be?

Anonymous said...

I am on the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce Crime Task Force Committee. Surely the Chief of Police knows, believes and accepts the FBI's crime report, listing Salibury in the top five in the Nation per captia for criminal activity.

I will surely ask him at our meeting on November 11th if he is aware of this report and its statistics. To begin to resolve and improve any situation, one must first believe and accept that in fact a problem exists.

It may be that the Chief does not accept data or believe a problem exists with a high crime level in Salisbury. If not, this is truly a sad commentary.

Anonymous said...

fire this guy and let’s get on with cleaning up the city. Mayor now is the time to show the people who voted for you that you are our mayor and not a part time teacher. Where is the leadership? Sacrifice the goose for the gander!

Anonymous said...

SPD leadership? LMAO. How do you keep your patrols working when the supervisors themselves are loafing and abusing leave policies?

Anonymous said...

What about the "Officer" who went out on injury leave for pulling his back out while putting his boots on in the locker room? What a tangled web we weave. When you have supervisors doing worse, what can be said?

Anonymous said...

How can we have a police chief who's become a household sick joke?
This is intolerable.

Anonymous said...

Lets look at the ral numbers, crime went down nationwide, so did the numbers in Salisbury. What did go up is that Salisbury rose in the worst place to live per crime per capita. 10 years ago Salisbury was around 18th, now we are at least 9th, I have not looked lately. The chief can not claim any success in crime reduction, the economy and natinal trend should take credit for that. The chief gets to take credit for Salisbury going up the ladder to be number 1 as the worst place to live per crime per capita. He has waisted 10 years of Salisbury's life and progress. This last law suit for money against the city it these times shows who he cares about most, himself and his pocket. Who cares about taking away money from the city that could go to his officers. He has better medical benefits from his retirement then the city officers get currently. It is time to say goodbye to the chief.

Anonymous said...

10:26 It was a requirement for the chief to live in the city and they gave him time to do it. Then he bargained with the city (against city policy to do so) and they waived it.

All the other candidates ran when they saw the coucil arguing and then the chief was hired, he lied to save Tilghman's kid and then no residency requirement, no end term of his contract, having to be fired by due cause all thanks to Tilghman.

Anonymous said...

11:12 you are wasting your time. Nothing is going to happen as long as that pus mayor is in office. Imagine YOUR employee suing you and you just sitting there, taking it. What a joke. Webster is a problem but Ireton is a bigger problem. It all starts at the top and Salisbury has no one to blame except itself for continuing to accept this charade.

Anonymous said...


Didn't you hear Webster during the City elections earlier this year -- that FBI comparative crime rate data is meaningless according to him, Barrie and Bubba, who also want us to think that there are no gangs in Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the biggest Drama Queen in this whole equation is Jim Ireton. He is a fraud. He is a fake and he needs to go.

Signed a past friend of the loser!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

why put webster on administrative leave? paid vacation? hell no. keep him in until he goes does down. he doesnt need a paid vacation. this guy has more issues than a soap. he is bringing a negative image and unwanted attention to the PD. he doesnt help any of his officers. he doesnt give any speaches. he wont even talk to his officers. does he even know where the roll call room is? gotta go webster. fire him for a non diciplinary action to make it legal and has no leg to stand on.

10:44 AM

I agree. Keep him on the job and put him in a desk job. Take his city vehicle away from him and make him drive his own vehicle. Also give him more tasks to complete with deadlines.

Anonymous said...

10:26 It was a requirement for the chief to live in the city and they gave him time to do it. Then he bargained with the city (against city policy to do so) and they waived it.

All the other candidates ran when they saw the coucil arguing and then the chief was hired, he lied to save Tilghman's kid and then no residency requirement, no end term of his contract, having to be fired by due cause all thanks to Tilghman.

12:28 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:12 you are wasting your time. Nothing is going to happen as long as that pus mayor is in office. Imagine YOUR employee suing you and you just sitting there, taking it. What a joke. Webster is a problem but Ireton is a bigger problem. It all starts at the top and Salisbury has no one to blame except itself for continuing to accept this charade.

12:29 PM

I agree. The mayor is the weakest link and he needs to go. He is a Liar. You know what they say about liars? If he will lie to you he will steal from you. This is the truth. By keeping Webster, Pick, Chambers, Hoppes, Gordy, etc in positions of power is stealing from you, the tax payers.

Anonymous said...

He's complaining the City grievance procedures aren't fair? He re-wrote the grievance policy in the PD which made the policy worthless.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Salisbury is falling apart and people are still loosing their jobs and homes. Jim do the right thing regaurdless of the ramifications. The power of persuation is more than just words, or it can be. People are tired of this and want action taken before they have to take that action themselves. Read between the lines.

Anonymous said...

The next big public insult may be when a fire chief is named. The more things change the more they stay the same. Mayor, please remember your campaign promises. Were they real? Was help on the way when we elected you? I am still hopeful, but my optimism is waining.

Anonymous said...

And at what speed does government move?
I believe Ireton has done the right thing in issuing the letters. It's in keeping with the way government runs everywhere. There are good rules and there are bad ones. Unless we change the rules, we have to act within the ones we have.
Once the chief has acknowledged the letters, the next steps will be made according to the rules, too. So far the only one to break them in this issue has been Webster.

Anonymous said...

Here's one for Jim Ireton. Webster never signed the first 3 written warnings, (voiding them) and never acknowledged receipt of them until signing the 4th on Oct 9th! That voids any possibility of fighting the first 3 greivances, and voids the 4th by default! Case closed, see 2-10 of the city charter, web, you are fired by that statute.


Anonymous said...

What channel and time is your show Joe?

Anonymous said...

What time does the show air on Saturday? I can hardly wait to see this one !!

joealbero said...

10:30 AM. In case this is you Chiefy, (anonymous 9:43) put a piece of leather in between your teeth and bite down real hard, it will help.

Anonymous said...

This Webster/Ireton drama is getting old. Some way, some how, it needs to be acted on and resolved.

Tidewaterbound said...

I so miss Colburn Dykes