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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wicomico Neighborhood Congress


Almost two years ago, a challenge was made by newly elected Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt, to create a county wide coalition of neighborhoods; a neighborhood congress. It was Rick's dream that this dedicated group of neighborhood leaders, would reach out and gather together for the preservation and betterment of our neighborhoods in Wicomico County.

With the help of Rocky Burnett and Debbie Campbell, a steering committee was formed and with the strong leadership skills and admirable community values of Jim Ireton and Mike Pretl co-chairing the steering committee, our goals were set. We persevered, dealing with tough media and criticism, never loosing sight of the need for this great coalition of neighborhood leaders who would one day work together to help improve the quality of life for all of our citizens.

That day is here.

Below are a few excerpts from e-mails received:

"I am...a current board member of the Deer Harbour Improvement Association.
I have just returned from your annual meeting at Salisbury University. I am duly impressed. I will be making a motion at our next association meeting that our group joins."

" Our HOA has just recently formed and I think being a part of this Neighborhood Congress would be a valuable asset."

" will join as a Neighborhood association and complete info when I return...
Please pass me any notes as I would like to be engaged and represent our 50 homes in the Kensington Woods development"

Congratulations to all and welcome to the Wicomico Neighborhood Congress!

Cindy Pilchard
Wicomico Neighborhood Congress


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this group has become little more than a collection of acolytes of the liberal agenda and self-promotion of the likes of Jimmy Ireton and Michael Pretl.

No doubt they will work for reelecting Rick Pollitt and killing the County's tax cap, too.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:44 AM you are right on target with your assessment. I have been attending some of their meeting and conventions and they discussed nothing to help the home owners. It is definitely a political agenda from the Left Wingnuts!!