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Thursday, October 29, 2009

One Year Ago Today

Thanks Obama!


jefferson said...

Our hourly blame Obama moment?

joealbero said...

He is the Boss, isn't he.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with Obama, and you are kidding yourself if you believe it does.

joealbero said...

Yeah, and Madoff had nothing to do with stealing billions.

O'Malley had nothing to do with raising taxed from %5 to ^5 either.

You're an Idiot.

joealbero said...

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you an Idiot. You're a Democrat, same thing.

Anonymous said...

It sucked under GW as well!
Both parties are two sides of the same coin!

joealbero said...

Can't argue that point.

Anonymous said...

Joe - shhhhhhhhh. (its still better than the $4.00 we were paying not too long ago - lol)

Anonymous said...

Check the price of gas under GW; The phrase "recession on the way to becoming a depression" is synonymous with GW. Who is the real idiot? Hey you ---- look the economy is getting better. Thanks President Obama.

Anonymous said...

Please stop this nonsense.

Greed....the oil companies have made more money in the past quarter than the national debt (a slight exaggeration but not too far off)
If you continue to blame Obama for everything you do not like, you fail to find the real cause of your distain, and that prevebts you from doing nothing to change the situation, you are part of the problem by assigning all of your upset about the economy to Obama is like blaming the cook for the price of groceries.

Anonymous said...

The economy isn't getting better it is getting worse. You liberals can't see the forest for the trees.
We could bring gas and oil prices way down but Obama doesn't want us to use oil at all. We have enough oil in the US to last about 40 years but Obama doesn't want us to drill for it. We could do more off shore drilling but Obama doesn't want that either, Obama just wants us to be torn down to nothing everybody unemployed, no oil, Electricy prices high , everything he can do to destroy us and make us think we must depend upon the government for everything. Since being is office he has spent more than all the other presidents combined back to George Washington. He has lost 3 million Americans jobs. His stimulus plan has done nothing to stimulate the econmy. If he had never been elected PRESIDENT WE WOULD NOT HAVE HAD SUCH HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE ECONOMY WOULD HAVE BEEN COMING BACK BY NOW. CAN'T YOU SEE HIS AGENDA IS TO RUIN OUR COUNTRY AND START IT OVER WITH TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL. WAKE UP YOU FOOLS.

Anonymous said...

9:53 where the f*ck is the economy getting better certainly not in this hillbilly town you stupid liberal F*CK!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe, you get a kick out of this, don't you?

Anonymous said...

beats $4 buck

It would take a new yorker to say that.

Anonymous said...

Because a president can effect the course of an economy in 10 months...might want to go back and take some economics courses 9:53.

Anonymous said...

Quit complaining. He gave you clunker cash to replace your gas guzzler. Of course, he could have paid for the whole car for what the $4500 subsidy cost the Government.

Anonymous said...

People seem to have very short memories. The price of gas shot up right after the democrats took control of congress in 2006. The price of gas peaked at over $4.00/ gal when Pelosi refused to allow a vote on offshore drilling and opening up ANWR in this country. Instead Pelosi shut down the house and went on vacation.
Doesn't anyone remember this stuff?
The price is high right now because of the amount of spending under Obama has caused the dollar to be worthless on the world market.
So how's that change working for ya?

Anonymous said...

gas isn't more expensive. The dollar is just worth less.

Anonymous said...

GDP up 35% Thanks Obama.

Anonymous said...

Yup, he sets the gas prices.

Anonymous said...

40 years of oil right here in the good ole USA!!! Woo HOO!! BFD! What will my children do about the debt we are leaving them, this sounds like broke, cold, and in the dark!
Fools- drilling is not the answer. Supplement with solar or wind, now that same oil will last 100 years. We need to get off the oil and onto renewable energies. This is the first administration to get serious about it ever. I put solar on my roof and will get a 30% tax credit for doing it. Thanks Obama! I get solar, I get the "trade" of cap and trade, I get clean air, and I get a tax credit. Put up or shut up- what are you doing to conserve, to save for our childrens future? Are you still driving that giant SUV getting 10 miles to the gallon? Ask not what your country can do for you......

Anonymous said...

Hooray 8:38, the voice of reason not found often on this Blog.

Anonymous said...

6:47 Thank you for reminding the liberals where the real problems lie regarding oil and who is to blame. ANWR drilling will never take place as long as Democrats are in the driver's seat.

Anonymous said...

Gas prices this high is an economic issue. That being said, the president is in charge of balancing and controlling the economic budget for america. but he is getting a pinch of cash off the gass anyway. AND yes they do. I know that for a fact!

Anonymous said...

lets see when bush was in office it got up to $4 bucks a gallon,so he was to blame,right