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Thursday, October 29, 2009

In White House Vs. Fox News War Of Words, Who Gets Your Vote?

By Mark Memmott

The stories about what the Obama White House has to say about Fox News Channel keep coming.

There was White House communications director saying telling Howard Kurtz of The Washington Post and CNN "let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is."

Also last week it was NPR's David Folkenflik reporting that "the White House is taking direct aim at Fox News, the news organization that is the home to the most potent collection of its conservative critics."

This week it's ABC News' Jake Tapper asking why the Obama team was treating one of the "sister organizations" so badly -- and the news that the White House had tried to block a Fox News reporter from interviewing the so-called pay czar. (After all the networks objected, the White House relented.)

It seems like time for a survey: GO HERE to participate in the survey.


Anonymous said...

Let's get the record straight, Fox News Channel has nothing to do with news. Rather a psycotic blend of opinion, propoganda and smear. Much like the indoctrination of the public done by the Nazis.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A dangerous place to be is when you are right and your government is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:29

Fox News is kinda like the MSM, Washington Post and New York Times. Those "news" organizations are so unbiased and don't have an agenda. You have got to get off the cool aid.

Fox News may have a slant, but they do ask the hard questions unlike ABS, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN whose softball reporting on the antics of the Obama administration border on complicity.

As a matter of trust, I trust Fox News more than I trust anything coming out of the White House. Fox does not get their marching orders from the White House like the others in the MSM. More importantly, I can think and research for myself.

We need to hear differing opinions. We need more truth. You will not get either if the White House gets its way. Be warned...

Anonymous said...

People like 10:29 are people who don't even watch fox. They get their news from the huffington post and daily Kos and have nerve enough to call fox opinion, propaganda and smear. Laughable..Just give me one example where fox news, even the opinion guys, have engaged in propaganda. I am sorry that they are exposing obama for who he is. This guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing. We are on to him. He is a lame duck already

Anonymous said...

10:29, Fox Morning, Hannity, Glenn Beck and O'Reilly are opinion shows on the Fox News Network. Fox constantly runs an unbiased ticker on the bottom of all their news shows. Get a grip and drop the party talking points. If you like being spoon fed the Obama admin's propoganda go to another news source in the MSM. Riddle me this, why is the White House not disputing the facts? only disputing that they actually do reports on the opinion shows and only of those whose opinions don't agree with their agenda. I went on the link and I'm surprised even on an NPR poll there are those who don't agree with the Obama White House, 57% think the White House is right (I thought with NPR this number would be higher), 41% think Fox is right (I thought this would be closer to the 3rd choice).

Anonymous said...

Even the supreme court said that Fox is not a news channel but it is ok for them to suggest that they are.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Obama pays people to monitor this blog site. The comments they post border on libel and never contradict facts.
They can fool some of the people some of the time,but not all the people, all the time. Fox presents both news and opinion. Even the opinion is backed with facts. Obama even lied on his Illionois lawyer application when he said he was never known by another name.

Anonymous said...

People like 10:29 are part of a vast paid branch of the leftist party currently in office who are paid to be the first commenters on any blog that DARES to question Obama or DARES to be negative about Obama. They live and breathe to further the Alinsky plan for this country. Please don't let them.

Anonymous said...

Obama pays people to monitor and post on this site? Care to provide some evidence of that?

Anonymous said...

11:53 is correct:
Quote from

"During their appeal, FOX asserted that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves."

And they won the right to lie to you.

Anonymous said...

No matter what you watch or listen to people need to realize:

1) anyone out there making a buck off of you tuning in is biased in some fashion.

2) use the news as a "guide" but look up your own information objectively before you form an opinion

3) Fox is biased, but this is a case where the White House needs to STFU. This coming from an Obama supporter

Anonymous said...

People who think FOX is reports news also believe we never landed on the moon! So many conspiracies, so little time!

Anonymous said...

Fox News and talk radio are the only places to get the truth anymore. It is hard for me to fathom the ignorrance that still exists in this country. I guess if you already think you have all the answers and refuse to listen to reason or THE INDESPUTABLE FACTS, you are destined to remain ignorrant. They say what you don't know won't hurt you-not true in this case. The real problem lies in the fact that we will all pay the price for the ignorrance of some.

Anonymous said...

1:26 Did you find some of Rush's drugs?

Anonymous said...


Hahahaha, indisputable facts, hahaha. That is one of the best lines ever. Fox news is shrinking as is the republican party. It is nice to know that the 20% that still claim to be republican are all on here though. Your last sentence is correct though, we all will pay the price for your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Correction to 3:22-You must be getting your "facts" from Keefy Overbite. Fact#1; Fox now has more viewers than MSNBC and CNN combined. That tells me that, unlike you, more and more people want the truth and are starting to see where it can be found. Fact#2; People are leaving the Republican party because they have become nothing more than liberal light and are almost as corrupt as the democrats. However, they are still the lesser of the two evils. Sometimes the truth hurts, doesn't it? I have heard it said that ignorrance is bliss. You must be one of the happiest people on the face of the Earth.

Anonymous said...


How is Fox shrinking?

Anonymous said...


People are leaving the Republican party because it is the party of conspiracy theorist teabagging wackos any more.

Anonymous said...

3:54, you are definetly right on "fact #1", which brings me to what should be an obvious question for anyone:

How can the #1 "news" channel not be considered "mainstream media"? For that matter, how can talk radio shows that brag about huge audiences and revenue then paint themselves as being separate from the "mainstream media"?

It's like Bill Gates saying he's against capitalism. It's like your 80 year old uncle saying he's down with hip hop culture.

Whats funny is that you guys are so bent on your idealogical slant, you don't see that all these media guys simply doing their jobs; they are selling you ads.

Anonymous said...

3:54, 4:08,

No one watches the news anymore. I can get everything I need from the internet. Fox news is only getting more viewers than CNN or MSNBC. It is less than 1 million a day. If that makes you happy. As for Fox, it is one thing to have a point of view, it is entirely another to willfully spread untruths. And some of the personnel at Fox news are doing just that. Also your so called Fact #2, is not a fact at all. See this is the problem we have with some of you. Your so called fact is actually an opinion. The sooner you learn the difference the better. So tell me, does the truth hurt.

Anonymous said...

4:38pm you are pathetic, because you can't see that after 2 books and millions in income from book sales and his wife's salary...Obama is also a capitalist and is selling you something off of a wheelbarrow, it's exactly what it looks and smells like...BS!

Anonymous said...


Wow, way to jump in and just get down and nasty. How about we start slow, why don't you prove to me how Obama is a capitalist? Anything will work, take your time I know it will take you a while. Maybe you could just call me a name too, and then spout of something stupid without thinking about it again. This is your chance to not look so stupid.

Anonymous said...

All these people bashing Fox News. How bout an example of where Fox News lied about something?
All you here is the Rhetoric from the lefties because Fox News is exposing the Marxist in Chief for what he is.
Stop your whinning lefties, GO FOX!

Anonymous said...


I just tried watching Beck for about 5 minutes. I can't see how you people watch that crap.

Anonymous said...

5:09, you are so bent on your anti-Obama ideaology, you take my analogy to mean I'm against capitalism? Or you assume that my anaology means that I'm an Obama supporter? Boy, you must have hypertension with all that stress you've been building up since Jan. But I see you have nothing factual to refute what I was actually saying in my previous comment. Do any of the Fox supporters?


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the softball. Just Beck himself: Remember him bringing that amazing story of the cash for clunkers website: LIE. Or US only country with natural birthright provision: LIE. When he said the president is a racist: LIE. How about Fox's commercial that said other networks didn't cover 9/12 Tea Party. That the Tea Party was a "grassroots" movement. Health care bill will have Death Panels. Bill will give coverage to illegal immigrants. Saying Obama is a Muslim. This could go on and on, how much time do you have.

Anonymous said...

To 4;53-If Fox was spreading "untruths", don't you think the whore house would be all over it? There has not been one word from them, other than to say Fox is spreading "untruths". No examples, no rebuttals-nothing but empty talk. They can't dispute the facts because that is what they are-facts. Looks to me like you are the one who's "facts" are only your opinion.

Anonymous said...

6:13 pm, everything you state about Beck was your opinion because we could see what he was pointing to for ourselves, these things may no longer be there like Van Jones because they were caught, stating someone is a racist is an opinion-it's not a lie. No other network "covered" the actual 9/12 event they ran with the AP story and posted a still picture, some of the foreign news covered it better than CNN, ABC and NBC-I was there, I know. It's easy to debate the semantics of liberal "grass roots" where the SEIU hands out pre-made slogan signs and tshirts or all the homemade signs at the Tea Party and the thousands of slogans going around that day. "Death Panels" is one way of referring to a group of people who decide who gets what treatment in a gov't rationed system, health coop, single payer system, public option, HillaryCare, or OBAMAcare...Can you see what I just did? it's your choice to be led or think for yourself. If illegals aren't covered in the above mentioned gov't takeover of the healthcare system, then why won't they put in the actual provisions to exclude them. Nevermind that there is no provision in Medicare or Medicaid that specifically covers those persons here illegally-undocumented but they still receive the benefits. Beck and Fox News have not ever reported that Obama was a muslim, some of the tea partiers did. I can go all night on this but onto more pressing issues with...
5:09pm, in what way did I not prove Obama is a capitalist, did he and his wife make millions off his books? Someone sold the freshman (wet behind the ears- done nothing but community organize) Senator on the idea that he could write a book and people would buy them and he would make money-sounds like a Capitalist. Then he wrote another book, why might one ask? His wife, Michelle, did not just earn a 6 figure pay raise for a receptionist's position at the hospital that paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars a year after he got into the Senate. If it walks like a duck, quacks like one, you know the rest. How is my prev post down and dirty??? Pathetic is not exactly a bad choice to describe you, since you are so bent on your own ideology that rational thought is something you think impossible for those who don't agree with you. Your skin is apparently not thick enough for a blog, I could have gone way worse, it's possible.

Anonymous said...

Fox provides news. Fox also has programs that are the equivalent of the editorial page of a newspaper. These shows, like the editorial page, is where personal opinions on the news are given. Fox's opinions generally lean to the right. NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, HLN, MSNBC provide "editorial" comment that generally leans to the left. Why does this single network that provides a different perspective on current events scare liberals and Obama's White House so darn much? But don't worry, our president is doing all he can to quiet any dissent against his policies. And that, my friend, should be the issue that has everyone scared.

Anonymous said...


No, everything I said was fact. For you to try to justify those really just makes you look idiotic. A grassroots movement is spontaneous, tell me how Fox planning that Tea Party was grassroots again. I can see your small brain working trying to spin the words. So your plan was to put everything in quotation marks. Really, that is what you came up with to defend the facts I put out there. You really are insane. The only solace I have is knowing you will have to deal with Obama for 7 more years. So enjoy Beck and his "opinions" for that long, if he makes it that long.

Anonymous said...


Let me guess, you're the paranoid republican. No one is scared of Fox news, we laugh at them. We are a little worried by you blind followers. And Obama is totally going to take away your freedoms, all of them. How is Obama trying to quiet any dissent? I mean seriously, you sound like Beck and that is just scary. Nonsense followed by more nonsense.

Anonymous said...

10:20pm, you should stop stating things that make you look idiotic. 912 Patriots organized the event with the help of Glenn Beck's program but don't be fooled by the press they got on FOX news into thinking this way somehow paid for by any SEIU or other organization, these people all paid their own way or raised their own funds to help others get there. That's as grassroots as you're going to get for a demonstration that large. No one was paid to be there, I know I wasn't and I don't know anyone else from the Bel Air group or Salisbury Group that was paid to be there. The folks I met on the subway paid their own way. The quotation marks was for your benefit since none of your liberal causes have ever gotten that many people on their own and were considered "grass roots" by Democrats even though they were told by the unions to be there. I know unions do this, my mother-in-law was in two unions on Staten Island, one for nurses aides for the nursing home that she worked weekends and one for the school bus system where she was a matron and not a driver. They would tell her when she was striking and what her strikes shifts were. Don't think they wouldn't tell you what to do and where to show up if they needed you. As for the lies you say Glenn Becks says, you're repeating the talking points and not proving anything. As for your roundabout way of trying to connect his drunk/drug using days to a dead girl in 2002, was supposed to be funny? I'll have to admit I laughed out loud thinking you were trying to be serious.